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By SignificantBat0
I think the OLA is a terrific tool, especially for data logging on mobile platforms. However, the one feature that I think would help even more would be some sort of start trigger functionality.

Perhaps the "Stop logging" or "Rst" pins could be configured alternatively as interrupt inputs, which would begin acquisition. The ability to have multiple OLAs synchronized to within a few ms would be a game-changer.
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By PaulZC
Hi @SignificantBat0,
This is a great suggestion but we'll need to think about it a little bit...
Can you please clarify:
- Do you want the sampling to start on your trigger signal (and for the samples to then be controlled by the OLA's real time clock)
- Or do you want the OLA to sample on every (e.g.) falling edge of your trigger signal?
The second option would, I think, be way more accurate in terms of multiple OLA's remaining sync'd for long durations.
Very best wishes,
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By SignificantBat0
Hi Paul,

Great question - I use both trigger types in my other data acquisition devices, depending upon application. I guess it depends upon the stability of the OLA's timebase.

I agree that option 2 would be the most rigorous.
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