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By sigve

I am having some problems with my code for the trf24g and find it cind of difficult to debug internaly in the reciver. The sender sends one byte of data into the tranciver, but the DR1 pin on the reciver doesent go high at any time.
I would apriciate any help i can get.

RX code :
Code: Select all
#include <mega16.h>    
#include <stdio.h>
#include <delay.h>

#define CE PORTB.0
#define CS PORTB.1

 // configuration word :  (15 bytes)            

/*15*/    #define TRF24G_PAYLOAD_SIZE_1  1		// in bytes

/*14*/    #define TRF24G_PAYLOAD_SIZE_2  1		// in bytes

/*9-13*/  #define TRF24G_ADDR_2  0,0,0,0,0 		// 5 bytes (not in use)

/*4-8*/   #define TRF24G_ADDR_1  0,0,0,0,0xAA       // 5 bytes

/*3*/  	  #define TRF24G_ADDR_SIZE  1               // in bytes 
	      #define TRF24G_CRC_SIZE 0b01          // 8 bit CRC enabled

/*2*/	  #define TRF24G_RX2_EN 0                   // RX2 dissabled
	      #define TRF24G_SHOCK_EN 1             // shock burst enabled
	      #define TRF24G_DATARATE 0             // 0 for 250kbs or 1 for 1mbs
	      #define TRF24G_XTAL_FREQ 0b011        // 16mhz inside unit
	      #define TRF24G_TX_PWR 0b11            // FULL power !!
/*1*/     #define TRF24G_CHANNEL 2		    // channel 2
	      #define TRF24G_RX 0                   // 0 for TX or 1 for RX

// end of config word.  

// tabell for configurerings ordet.

static unsigned char trf24gConfig[15] =  {   

/*15*/	  TRF24G_PAYLOAD_SIZE_2 * 8,            // DATA2_W in bits

/*14*/    TRF24G_PAYLOAD_SIZE_1 * 8,            // DATA1_W in bits

/*9-13*/  TRF24G_ADDR_2,                        // ADDR2 (not in use)

/*4-8*/   TRF24G_ADDR_1,                        // ADDR1

/*3*/     ((TRF24G_ADDR_SIZE * 8) << 2) | TRF24G_CRC_SIZE,

/*2*/     (TRF24G_RX2_EN << 7) |                // RX2 active?
          (TRF24G_SHOCK_EN << 6) |              // Shockburst?
          (TRF24G_DATARATE << 5) |              // Datarate
          (TRF24G_XTAL_FREQ << 2) |             // xtal frequency
           TRF24G_TX_PWR , 			            // Tx power
/*1*/     (TRF24G_CHANNEL << 1) | TRF24G_RX	// Channel and RX/TX select

void vent ()


void spiSend(unsigned char data)
   #asm("cli")  // disable interrupts
   SPDR = data;
   while(SPSR == 0x00)
    //wait for sending to finish
   #asm("sei")  // enable interrupts   


void trf24gconfigure(unsigned char trf24gConfig[15]) {

   unsigned char i;

	delay_ms(3);      // 3ms startup

	CE = 0 ;
        vent() ;	  // enter config mode
	CS = 1 ;
   for(i = 0; i < sizeof(trf24gConfig); i++) 
      spiSend(trf24gConfig[i]);		// sending...

	CS = 0 ;      // exit config mode
	vent() ;

#if TRF24G_RX
        CE = 1 ;      // activate RX     
        vent() ;


//****************** RECIVING ***********************************************************

// External Interrupt 0 service routine   (interupts when data ready (DR =1) )
interrupt [EXT_INT0] void ext_int0_isr(void)
unsigned char data; 
int i ;
unsigned char size = TRF24G_PAYLOAD_SIZE_1;   
printf ("\n\r%d", 0x22 ) ;     // for debug

#asm("cli")    // disable interupt
printf ("\n\r%d", 0x21 ) ;            // for debug
   spiSend (0x00) ;			// sends 0, when finished SPI interrupts

 for(i = 0; i < size ; i++) 
     data = SPDR ;   		   
     printf ("\n\r%d", 0x20 ) ;            // for debug
     printf ("\n\r%d", data ) ;
     spiSend (0x00) ;	
   vent() ;

  #asm("sei")     // enable interupt

void main(void)



// SPI initialization
// SPI Type: Master
// SPI Clock Rate: 62,000 kHz
// SPI Clock Phase: Cycle Half
// SPI Clock Polarity: Low
// SPI Data Order: MSB First


// External Interrupt(s) initialization
// INT0: On
// INT0 Mode: Rising Edge
// INT1: Off
// INT2: Off

// Clear the SPI interrupt flag
    in   r30,spsr
    in   r30,spdr

// Global enable interrupts

trf24gconfigure(trf24gConfig);		// configure RF24g

while (1)

//just let the interupt work(RX-mode)


}// main

TX code:
Code: Select all
// transmitter code for RF 24g

#include <mega8.h>    
#include <stdio.h>
#include <delay.h>

#define CE PORTB.6
#define CS PORTB.7

 // configuration word :  (15 bytes)            

/*15*/    #define TRF24G_PAYLOAD_SIZE_1  1		// in bytes

/*14*/    #define TRF24G_PAYLOAD_SIZE_2  1		// in bytes

/*9-13*/  #define TRF24G_ADDR_2  0,0,0,0,0 		// 5 bytes (not in use)

/*4-8*/   #define TRF24G_ADDR_1  0,0,0,0,0xAA   // 5 bytes

/*3*/  	  #define TRF24G_ADDR_SIZE  1           // in bytes 
	      #define TRF24G_CRC_SIZE 0b01          // 8 bit CRC enabled

/*2*/	  #define TRF24G_RX2_EN 0               // RX2 dissabled
	      #define TRF24G_SHOCK_EN 1             // shock burst enabled
	      #define TRF24G_DATARATE 0             // 0 for 250kbs or 1 for 1mbs
	      #define TRF24G_XTAL_FREQ 0b011        // 16mhz inside unit
	      #define TRF24G_RX_PWR 0b11            // FULL power !!
/*1*/     #define TRF24G_CHANNEL 2			    // channel 2
	      #define TRF24G_RX 0                   // 0 for TX or 1 for RX

// end of config word.  


unsigned char trf24gConfig[15] =  {   // tabell for configurerings ordet.

/*15*/	  TRF24G_PAYLOAD_SIZE_2 * 8,            // DATA2_W in bits

/*14*/    TRF24G_PAYLOAD_SIZE_1 * 8,            // DATA1_W in bits

/*9-13*/  TRF24G_ADDR_2,                        // ADDR2 (not in use)

/*4-8*/   TRF24G_ADDR_1,                        // ADDR1

/*3*/     ((TRF24G_ADDR_SIZE * 8) << 2) | TRF24G_CRC_SIZE,

/*2*/     (TRF24G_RX2_EN << 7) |                // RX2 active?
          (TRF24G_SHOCK_EN << 6) |              // Shockburst?
          (TRF24G_DATARATE << 5) |              // Datarate
          (TRF24G_XTAL_FREQ << 2) |             // xtal frequency
           TRF24G_RX_PWR , 			            // Tx power
/*1*/     (TRF24G_CHANNEL << 1) | TRF24G_RX	// Channel and RX/TX select


void vent ()


void spiSend(unsigned char data)
   SPDR = data;
   while(SPSR == 0x00)
    //wait for sending to finish

void trf24gconfigure(unsigned char trf24gConfig[15])
   unsigned char i;

	delay_ms(3);      // 3ms startup

	CE = 0 ;
        vent() ;	  // enter config mode
	CS = 1 ;
   for(i = 0; i < sizeof(trf24gConfig); i++) 
      spiSend(trf24gConfig[i]);		// sending...
	CS = 0 ;      // exit config mode
	vent() ;

#if TRF24G_RX
        CE = 1 ;      // activate RX



void trf24gSend(char data)    // for 1 byte data and address
   unsigned char addr = 0xAA;
  	CE = 1 ;
        vent() ;	 // enter sending mode
	CS = 0 ;

     spiSend(addr);     //adress    
     vent () ;
     spiSend(data);     // DATA
     vent () ;
     CE = 0 ;         //back to standby

void main(void)


// SPI initialization
// SPI Type: Master
// SPI Clock Rate: 62,000 kHz
// SPI Clock Phase: Cycle Half
// SPI Clock Polarity: Low
// SPI Data Order: MSB First


trf24gconfigure(trf24gConfig);		// configure RF24g

while (1)

trf24gSend(0x24) ;
delay_ms (1000) ;


}// main
By Lajon
You have
Code: Select all
        #define TRF24G_RX 0                   // 0 for TX or 1 for RX 
in the rx code, this should be 1 for rx.
By montemor
This topic is a little old, but I'm wondering if anyone is still in touch with it?


By Lajon
Well as you notice I don't read here every day but if you have a question go ahead and ask.
By dizzey
Ok reading the code a bit closer i saw what you did. just sending the destination adress byte for byte and then payload