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By SebaS

Lajon, I've got a question for you, since you achived the goal we are all lookign for...
Finally, a couple of months ago, I got them to work. But There's something I can't undestrand. I'm working with the BUS at 20MHz and the SPI baud rate is set to 1Mbps. That works fine, it also works fine at 10Mbps.... Don't look me like that I can't believe it neither, but what sourpsise me the most is that it won't work if the SPI baud rate is lower than 1Mbps. :shock:

I measured the Speed with a FLUKE Scope (wich is able to do that automatically) and those are the real speeds.

Any idea of what's going? I mean, the data sheet says that the minimum input clock high is 500ns so the MAX freq is 1Mbps..... wich means that at 1Mbps it would be at the edge, it would work fine at a lower speed and it won't likely work at a higher one.

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By SebaS
Sorry, I mean 500ns ------> 2Mbps

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By SebaS
I'm kind of getting use to answer my own questions......... Not because you guys don't reply (you actually do it very often, almost every time :wink: )

I've just learn something that's not in the data sheet or at least I couldn't be able to find it.

Last time I've said that this module won't work with the SPI speed lower than 1Mbps, and it could work fine with 10Mbps :shock: . Amazing, rigth?... Almost freaky...

Well after hours, weeks and months of researching and testing I thought it could be a goog idea :idea: to set up a delay of 3ms after I'm done sending the config word and before setting CS low. And EUREKA!!!! :D

Now I'm working at any speed!!! from 10k to 10M!!!

I had a delay of a few micro-sec, then I increase it to 1ms and I were able to work at 250Kbps, but not lower, then I set 3ms and worked fine.

That idea came because I suppose it makes sense to have a delay before setting CS low, some kind of remain-high time. But I didn't find it in the DS.

But what is still odd is the fact that this time deppend on the communication speed. :shock:

What's your experience with that?
By Lajon
SebaS, just did a quick test with slower SPI speeds. I did not need any additional delays to make it work. Strange that you need that. I tried 62.5KHz and 7.8KHz. I do have the 3ms delay before doing anything that is needed (TPd2a in the data sheet).

That 10MHz speed you can have also sounds strange, fastest I got working was 2MHz and that is I belive outside the spec.
Sorry, I mean 500ns ------> 2Mbps
No I think you got it right the first time, minimum clock high (Thmin) is 500ns so the complete clock cycle should be >= 1000ns so <= 1MHz.

By jimlake
I am having an odd problem with this code. I am using it in a controller that sends an 8 bit word (0x01 to 0x80) representing the position of 8 switches. I use a pair of MiRF's. When I single step thru the code on AVRStudio with a JTAG ICE, I receive the correct bits at the receiver. However, when I run at full speed, only 5 of the switches work correctly. For two of the remaining 3, I get a 0 and for the other one, I get a 1 where I should get an 0x40. I have slowed it down by inserting a one second delay in the main loop, same behavior.

I am fresh out of ideas. I would highly appreciate any ideas, or any further troubleshooting strategies. I can post the code.

I have a UART on the board.

Jim Lake
By Lajon
Did you already confirm that there is no problem with the switch reading code? A simple test would be to send a few hardcoded test bytes for simulated switch positions.

Have you tried different (slower) SPI speeds?

Do post the code if you can.

By jimlake
I am sure that the switch reading routine is working OK because when I single step thru the code and look at the values in via the JTAG and AVRStudio, they are correct. Further, when I single step, I get the correct switch codes at the receiver. I have also inserted as much as a one second delay for each trip thru the main loop, but it does not fix the problem.

Here's the code.
Code: Select all

Handheld RF Robot Controller by Jim Lake 2006
Some of this software (the really clever stuff) was lifted from Lars Johnsson and is  
subject to the following:
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
 * Lars Jonsson (User name Lajon at wrote this file. 
 * As long as you retain this notice you can do whatever you want with this
 * stuff. If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can
 * buy me a beer in return.   Lars Jonsson
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 The configuration of the nRF2401 is done using consants set out in trf24g_config.h
 config.h contains additional operational parameters. trf24g.h containes the function declarations
 Revision History:
 8/7/2006   1.0  Does not support USART, transmits the same 8 bit word via SPI. 
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/signal.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include "config.h"
#include <avr/delay.h>
#include "trf24g_config.h"
#include "trf24g.h"
#include "util.h"

#define TRF24G_START_CONFIG() TRF24G_CONTROL_PORT |= TRF24G_CS_MASK; _delay_us(5)
#define TRF24G_END_CONFIG()   TRF24G_CONTROL_PORT &= (uint8_t)~TRF24G_CS_MASK;

#define TRF24G_ACTIVE()   TRF24G_CONTROL_PORT |= TRF24G_CE_MASK; _delay_us(5)

#define SetBit(sfr, bit) ((sfr) |= (1 << (bit)))
#define ClearBit(sfr, bit) ((sfr) &= ~(1 << (bit)))

//_delay_us(10);  //slow things down 

static uint8_t trf24gConfig[15] = {
   /*  0 */ TRF24G_PAYLOAD_SIZE * 8,   // DATA2_W
   /*  1 */ TRF24G_PAYLOAD_SIZE * 8,   // DATA1_W
   /*  2 */ 0,0,0,0,0,               // ADDR2 not used
   /*  7 */ TRF24G_ADDR1,            // ADDR1
   /* 12 */ ((TRF24G_ADDR_SIZE * 8) << 2) |
            ((TRF24G_CRC_SIZE == 0) ? 0b00 : ((TRF24G_CRC_SIZE == 1) ? 0b01 : 0b11)),
   /* 13 */ (0 << 7) |               // RX2 active or not (not for now)
          (1 << 6) |             // Shockburst (always)
          (TRF24G_1MBPS << 5) |      // Speed
          (0b011 << 2) |            // 16MHz always
          0b11,                       // Full power always
   /* 14 */ (TRF24G_CHANNEL << 1) | TRF24G_RX
 #define ADDR1 7

int main (void){
	while(1) {
		char buffer[TRF24G_PAYLOAD_SIZE];

		unsigned char Key;		
		Key= KeyScan(); 	//scan the keys and returns: Key= an ASCII value for the key pressed
		while(KeyScan == 0xFF);
			ClearBit(PORTD, PD5);	//loops and makes the piezo buzz as long as two keys are pressed(this is a setbit for the buzzer)  
	    SetBit(PORTD, PD5);    //Stop the buzzer
		buffer[0] = Assemble_Data(Key);
		_delay_ms((TRF24G_TIME_ON_AIR + 999) / 1000); /* round up to ms */	

	return 0;	

static inline uint8_t spiSend(uint8_t d)
   SPDR = d;	//Load a byte into the SPI data buffer for transfer
   while(!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF)))		//wait until transmission is complete
   return SPDR;

void trf24gInit(void)
   uint8_t i;
   // DDR for trf24g control, CS and CE are outputs
    // DDR for SPI, MOSI and SCK are outputs 
   SetBit(PORTB, PB4); //drive SS high   
   // SPI master, trailing edge setup
   SPCR = (1<<SPE)|(1<<MSTR)|(1<<SPR0); // /8 clock (8Mhz/8 = 1Mhz)
    SPSR |= (1<<SPI2X);	
   //SPCR = (1<<SPE)|(1<<MSTR)|(0<<SPR0); // /4 clock (works also)
   _delay_ms(3);   // >3ms startup
    TRF24G_START_CONFIG();		//take CS high
   for(i = 0; i < sizeof(trf24gConfig); i++) {		//send the configuration word to the SPI
   TRF24G_END_CONFIG();     //take CS low
   //ClearBit(DDRB, DDB5);    //Make MOSI an input to eliminate conflict with MISO
#if TRF24G_RX		//if we are a receiver, send CE high to make the transiever poll the air

void trf24gSend(void *p)
   uint8_t n = TRF24G_ADDR_SIZE;
   uint8_t *buf = (uint8_t*)p;  //pointer to the beginning of the data array to be sent
   uint8_t *a = trf24gConfig + ADDR1 + 5 - TRF24G_ADDR_SIZE;   //pointer to the address section of the config word
   TRF24G_ACTIVE();   //CE high
   do {
   } while(--n);
   do {
      spiSend(*buf++);  //this sends the first element in the array buffer[0] first
   } while(--n);
   TRF24G_INACTIVE();    //CE low

void trf24gReconfigure(uint8_t channel, bool rx)
   uint8_t cfg = channel << 1;
   cfg |= rx;
   if (rx) {

bool trf24gReceive(void *p)
	//redefine MOSI as an input to accept data from the DATA pin
	//DDRB |= (0 << DDB5);

   uint8_t dr = TRF24G_DR1_PIN & TRF24G_DR1_MASK;
   if (dr) {
      uint8_t n = TRF24G_PAYLOAD_SIZE;
      uint8_t *buf = (uint8_t*)p;  // *buf points to the first element in the array
      do {
         *buf++ = spiSend(0);    //fill up the array by incrementing the buffer and swapping bits with the spi
      } while(--n);
   return dr;


Keyscan     2006 Jim Lake

Called By: Main()
Ruturns: unsigned char Key an ASCII char representing which switch is pressed, no press returns zero

This routine will scan a 2x4 switch matrix wired as follows:

PORT		        key		        row		

PA0	________|select_____|up          1
PA1	________|down_______|right       2
PA2	________|left_______|sw1         3
PA3	________|sw2________|sw3         4
			|			|
PA4_________|			|

The circuit contemplates an ITT  TPA series nav switch and 3 button switches for a total of 8 bits
PA0-PA3 are outputs in sequence, PA4 and PA5 are inputs with pull ups enabled

The code uses a macro supplied by the avr-gcc compiler:
*		bit_is_clear(sfr, bit) -- this returns:
*			true if the given "bit" in the specified "sfr" is clear (0), or
*			false if the bit is set (1).
*		(There is also the opposite macro: bit_is_set(sfr, bit).)

unsigned char KeyScan(void){

	DDRA = 0x0F;          //  0000  1111   PA0-PA3 are outputs, PA4 and PA5 are inputs
	PORTA = 0x30;        //   0011  0000   pull ups on PA4 and PA5
	unsigned char NumKey;
	unsigned char Key;
	NumKey = 0;	//No keys pressed
	Key = 0; 	//defaults to zero
	DDRA = 0x01;	//select row 1 (Up and Select)    0000 0001
	if(bit_is_clear(PINA, PINA4)){
		Key = 'u';	//Up is pressed
	if(bit_is_clear(PINA, PINA5)){
		Key = 's';	//Select is pressed
	DDRA = 0x02;	//select row 2 (Right and Down)   0000 0010
	if(bit_is_clear(PINA, PINA4)){
		Key = 'r';	//Right is pressed
	if(bit_is_clear(PINA, PINA5)){
		Key = 'd';	//Down is pressed
	DDRA = 0x04;	//select row 1 (Sw1 and Left)   0000 0100
	if(bit_is_clear(PINA, PINA4)){
		Key = '1';	//Switch 1 is pressed
	if(bit_is_clear(PINA, PINA5)){
		Key = 'l';	//Left is pressed
	DDRA = 0x08;	//select row 4 (Switch 2 and Switch 3)  0000 1000
	if(bit_is_clear(PINA, PINA4)){
		Key = '2';	//Switch 2 is pressed
	if(bit_is_clear(PINA, PINA5)){
		Key = '3';	//Switch 3 is pressed
	if (NumKey > 1){
		Key = 0xFF;		//Multiple key pressed error
	DDRA = 0x0F;	//All rows are outputs, columns are inputs 
	return Key;

void USART_Init(unsigned int baud)		// Initialize the USART for coms to a terminal


	// set the baud rate to 19.2 kbps
	UBRRH = (unsigned char) (baud >> 8);
	UBRRL = (unsigned char) baud; //this is decimal 25 see page 167 data sheet
	// Enable RX and TX
	UCSRB = (1<<RXEN) | (1<< TXEN);

	// set the frame format to 8 data bits, 2 stop bits, no parity
	UCSRC = (1<<URSEL) |(1<<USBS)  | (3<<UCSZ0);

void USART_Transmit(unsigned int data)
	// Wait for an empty transmit buffer
	while (!(UCSRA & (1<<UDRE)));
	//Place data in the buffer and transmit it
	UDR = data;


Assemble_Data Jim Lake  2006

Called From: Main()
Returns: char databyte
Assembles a data word representing the switch setting scanned in KeyScan(). KeyScan returns one of the ASCII values below: 
'r' = right
'l'= left
'u'= up
'd'= down
's'= select
'1'= switch1
'2'= switch2
'3'= switch3

The dataword is a follows:

bit7		bit6		bit5		bit4		bit3		bit2		bit1		bit0

SW3			SW2			SW1			select		right		left		down		up

char Assemble_Data(unsigned char Key){
	unsigned char databyte = 0;	
	case 'u': databyte = 0x01; return databyte;
	case 'd': databyte = 0x02; return databyte;
	case 'l': databyte = 0x04; return databyte;
	case 'r': databyte = 0x08; return databyte;
	case 's': databyte = 0x10; return databyte;
	case '1': databyte = 0x20; return databyte;
	case '2': databyte = 0x40; return databyte;
	case '3': databyte = 0x80; return databyte;
	default:                   return databyte;
Its is a puzzle.

Thanks, Jim Lake
By Lajon
I am sure that the switch reading routine is working OK because when I single step thru the code and look at the values in via the JTAG and AVRStudio, they are correct.
Well single stepping is not a good test of code that can depend on timing. In your scan function I think there might be a problem if the output can't pull down the current row fast enough. Try with a delay (after all 4 DDR settings):
Code: Select all
   DDRA = 0x01;   //select row 1 (Up and Select)    0000 0001 
   _delay_us(8); // wait for stable output (more or less might be needed)
You could test just that key scanning with output on the USART just to be sure. Same for the RF part (constant test values - just verify they arrive ok).
By spamiam
You DO need to delay when scanning codes. It takes 1 or 2 cpu clocks to have the input pin settle when it changes state. I had this problem when scanning a keypad too. The results of a scan showed me what I expected to see from the PREVIOUS scan!

Insert three nop(); instructions between setting the output pin(s) and reading the input pins.

That solved the problem for me.

By jimlake
Thanks guys,

That makes sense and I will try it.
By jimlake
Just a follow up on the above. I added the nop's and the problem disappeared. Thanks for the help. The little critter works perfectly now.
By chalozin
Hi you guys,

Sorry to bother you with such silly questions, but here goes nothing.
I own a couple of TRW-24g (or RF-24g) bought from sparkfun.

My goal is to build a serial2RF transmitter and a RF2serial receiver.

I want to use AtMega8 to do so.

1. Can anyone help me with a schematics for the PCB or even just an explanation for what I must do.

2. I know the TRW-24g (or again, the RF-24g) works with 3.3v but the AtMega8 uses 5v. what do I do in order to use the AtMega8 In spite of it.

By Lajon
Well the SPI connections for the RF-24g are shown in the document I refer to in the first post in this thread. Apart from that is should be no more than the RS-232 (if that is the serial interface you want) for which you will need a transciever. Have a look at the development boards schematics e.g.
(You can probably skip the reset controller in that design, just pull up reset with 4K7 or so).

It would simplify things if you you could run the AVR at 3.3V also. So a ATMega8L or one of the newer ATMega48/88/168. You will want to run it with a crystal (not the internal clock), 7.3728 MHz would be good for supporting common serial speeds.
By chalozin
Ok, most of the work done. at least, I've thought.

I want two computer to communicate serially over RF (using the TRW-24g).

I've built a PCB that uses Atmega88 which connect through max3232 to RS232 (for USART) on one hand and to the TRW-24g on the other (using SPI).

The USART working great.
I'm NOT using external clock. (will it affect only the USART, of the SPI too?)
I'm working for the serial with baud rate 4800.
the UBRR is 12.
I've set the F_CPU to 8E6.

what are all those speeds?

what does the speed (16Mhz on Lars's example) do?
What does it has to do with the clock speed (8Mhz)?

Can you please help me to understand all the speeds/baud rates.

You can assume, that I've built the PCB right, and all the MASKs/PORTs fits.

This is my code:
Code: Select all

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
 * Lars Jonsson (User name Lajon at wrote this file. 
 * As long as you retain this notice you can do whatever you want with this
 * stuff. If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can
 * buy me a beer in return.   Lars Jonsson
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/signal.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include "config.h"
#include <avr/delay.h>
#include "trf24g_config.h"
#include "trf24g.h"

#define TRF24G_START_CONFIG() TRF24G_CSCE_PORT |= TRF24G_CS_MASK; _delay_us(5) 
#define TRF24G_END_CONFIG()   TRF24G_CSCE_PORT &= (uint8_t)~TRF24G_CS_MASK; 

#define TRF24G_ACTIVE()   TRF24G_CSCE_PORT |= TRF24G_CE_MASK; _delay_us(5)

static uint8_t trf24gConfig[15] = {
   /*  0 */ TRF24G_PAYLOAD_SIZE * 8,   // DATA2_W
   /*  1 */ TRF24G_PAYLOAD_SIZE * 8,   // DATA1_W
   /*  2 */ 0,0,0,0,0,               // ADDR2 not used
   /*  7 */ TRF24G_ADDR1,            // ADDR1
   /* 12 */ ((TRF24G_ADDR_SIZE * 8) << 2) |
            ((TRF24G_CRC_SIZE == 0) ? 0b00 : ((TRF24G_CRC_SIZE == 1) ? 0b01 : 0b11)),
   /* 13 */ (0 << 7) |               // RX2 active or not (not for now)
          (1 << 6) |             // Shockburst (always)
          (TRF24G_1MBPS << 5) |      // Speed
          (0b011 << 2) |            // 16MHz always
          0b11,                       // Full power always
   /* 14 */ (TRF24G_CHANNEL << 1) | TRF24G_RX
 #define ADDR1 7
static inline uint8_t spiSend(uint8_t d)
   SPDR = d;
   while(!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF)))
   return SPDR;

void trf24gInit(void)
   uint8_t i;
   // DDR for trf24g control, CS and CE are outputs
    // DDR for SPI, MOSI and SCK are outputs
   TRF24G_SPI_SS_PORT |= TRF24G_SPI_SS_MASK; //drive SS high //@tal
   // SPI master, trailing edge setup
   SPCR = (1<<SPE)|(1<<MSTR)|(1<<SPR0); // /8 clock (8Mhz/8 = 1Mhz)
    SPSR |= (1<<SPI2X);
   //SPCR = (1<<SPE)|(1<<MSTR)|(0<<SPR0); // /4 clock (works also)
   // >3ms startup
   for(i = 0; i < sizeof(trf24gConfig); i++) { //send the configuration word to the SPI
#if TRF24G_RX

void trf24gReconfigure(uint8_t channel, bool rx)
   uint8_t cfg = channel << 1;
   cfg |= rx;
   if (rx) {

bool trf24gReceive(void *p)
   uint8_t dr = TRF24G_DR1_PIN & TRF24G_DR1_MASK;
   if (dr) {
      uint8_t n = TRF24G_PAYLOAD_SIZE;
      uint8_t *buf = (uint8_t*)p;
      do {
         *buf++ = spiSend(0);
      } while(--n);
   return dr;

void trf24gSend(void *p)
   uint8_t n = TRF24G_ADDR_SIZE;
   uint8_t *buf = (uint8_t*)p;
   uint8_t *a = trf24gConfig + ADDR1 + 5 - TRF24G_ADDR_SIZE;
   do {
   } while(--n);
   do {
   } while(--n);

//#######################         USART         #######################

void usart_putc(unsigned int input) {
   // wait until UDR ready
	while(!(UCSR0A & (1 << UDRE0)));
	UDR0 = input;    // send USART

void setBoudRateByMethod()

		UBRR0H = 0;
		UBRR0L = 12;		


void usart_init()
	// init the USART (Universal Sync and ASync Receiver and Transmiter) bits

	// there 3 groups of control status bits (UVSR[A-C])
	UCSR0A = (1<<RXC0); // clear the Receive Bit
	UCSR0B = (1<<RXEN0) | (1<<TXEN0) | (1<<RXCIE0); // enable Receive Rx;enable Transmit Tx;Enable Rx Interrupt
	UCSR0C = (3<<UCSZ00) | (1<<UMSEL01) | (1<<USBS0); // 8 dataBits, No parity, and 2 stopBits


	unsigned int input;
	while (!(UCSR0A & (1 << RXC0)));
	input=UDR0; // read an int from the serial port
	PORTC |= (1 << PC4); //@TODO - remove, just for debug
	char buffer[TRF24G_PAYLOAD_SIZE];
	buffer[0] = input;
	_delay_ms((TRF24G_TIME_ON_AIR + 999) / 1000); /* round up to ms */
	usart_putc(input + 1); // for debug, the sender will return it to the terminal

//#######################         main          #######################

int main(void)
	usart_init(); // init USART
	PORTC &= (0 << PC5); //@TODO - remove, just for debug
	PORTC &= (0 << PC4); //@TODO - remove, just for debug
	// ####################
	// #### The SENDER ####
	// ####################
    if (TRF24G_RX == 0)
		PORTC |= (1 << PC5); //@TODO - remove, just for debug
		sei();   // enable interrupts

	} else 	
	// ######################
	// #### The RECEIVER ####
	// ######################
		PORTC |= (1 << PC4); //@TODO - remove, just for debug
			char buffer[TRF24G_PAYLOAD_SIZE];
			if (trf24gReceive(buffer)) 
By Lajon
Code: Select all
      UBRR0L = 12; 
If this gives you 4800 baud then your AVR is running at 1Mhz (look in the Table 81. Examples of UBRRn Settings for Commonly Used Oscillator Frequencies). A new mega 88 runs at 1Mhz, you need to unprogram the CKDIV8 fuse to have it run at 8Mhz. And yes, the SPI should be ok with the internal RC Oscillator.
what does the speed (16Mhz on Lars's example) do?
Code: Select all
         (0b011 << 2) |            // 16MHz always 
This is just configuration for the TRW-24g (it has a 16MHz crystal).
What does it has to do with the clock speed (8Mhz)?

Maybe you should start with some simpler code, sending a constant character (so not using that interrupt in the first test). It is BTW usually not a good idea to have too much work done in an interrupt handler. You should probably just collect the characters in a buffer and send them from the main.
Code: Select all
I guess should be
Code: Select all