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By Mappy
Hi all,

I know that SparkFun does not support PlatformIO but I'm attempting to get a MicroMod board running on it.

I used an existing setting for the SparkFun Thing board, and it works. I can upload example code for the TMP117 sensor and so far, everything appears to work as expected.

I don't know why this works. Are there any risks or issues I should be aware of? There appears to be a firmware file in the PlatformIO settings - surely this hasn't been installed on the MicroMod?
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By alain1533
I am using the Micromod ESP32 board with platformIO and it works very well for me I give you my configuration
platform = espressive32
monitor_speed = 115200

do not forget to press the "boot" button for the download to the card when you have the message "connection"

I tested the two examples "blink test" and "wifi" test:
add #include <Arduino.h>
for the ledblink test

add #include <Arduino.h>
and at the beginning of the file the following declaration just before the Setup() function

// forward
void connectToWiFi(const char * ssid, const char * pwd);
void requestURL(const char * host, uint8_t port);
void printLine();

have a good day
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