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By ajk265
I am working with a pretty simple circuit and riding the struggle bus. I have the Electret Microphone Breakout ( and I am trying to get it to play out of the Thin Speaker ( All I am hearing is a periodic click out of the speaker.

First, here is my setup (sorry for the ASCII art):
Code: Select all
                        | Speaker |
   +5V                  -----------
    ^                        |
    |                        v
 -------                 ----------
 | Mic |---> 250 Ohm --> | 2N3904 |
 -------                 ----------
    |                        |
    v                        v
   GND                      GND
I hooked a quick ADC -> 8-bit digital output from the microphone breakout board, and verified with a logic analyzer that it is getting full precision (0 to 5V) out of the microphone when there are loud noises. Originally I put it through an additional inverting op amp, but this looks unnecessary.

I also verified that the NPN transistor collector is connected to the negative side of the speaker and the emitter connected to ground. From looking around online, this looked like a way to drive the speaker since the op amp on the breakout cannot supply the full quarter watt.

I'm pretty sure there is a glaring error is what I am doing, but I cannot see it. I'm just trying to start with the sound from the microphone playing out of the speaker.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!
By ajk265
For reference for anyone else that has this problem, I replaced the speaker with a 10k resistor and then put the speaker from the collector through a 1uF electrolytic capacitor. The sound is pretty poor quality, but it does play.

Note: I looked for a way to delete the post since I solved the problem, but cannot find a button to do that.
By theropod
Your solution might help someone else so don't think it needs to go away.