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By andy.pc
Hi everyone,
I've recently bought this awesome board (, everything works just fine except for the I2C module.

I'm using the Arduino IDE and I've installed the correct repository, as indicated in the official guide.

I've succesfully tested the bluetooth capability and some basic operation with the digital pins, but when using the i2c library (Wire.h) nothing happens.

There is no kind of activity on all the pins of the board (yes, i used pull-up resistors - I'm using the saleae logic analyzer).
It seems like the peripheral is not correctly mappedor initialized.

Did anyone tried to use I2C with this board?

Thanks in advanced,
By mtajeldin
Hi Andrea,

I followed the steps in the Hookup Guide and everything seems fine without using nRF52832 Development Kit: ... 1483714118

However, when I tried using the Analog pin, A4 (#28) but it is not reading the analog data and displaying nothing on the Serial Monitor:
const int analogPin = 28; // first attempt, 28, failed,
const int analogPin = A4; // second attempt, A4, also failed,

void setup() {
pinMode(analogPin, INPUT);
void loop() {
int sensorValue = analogRead(analogPin)/4;

I am wondering how I can read from analog pins?