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By manvez
i am using ADC block + ADXL355 + Edison + Console block + Micro SD block + Battery lock.

i like use the ADC for read the z axis from the ADXL355.

i use this program how hello world:

Example file for SparkFun ADC Edison Block Support

1 Jun 2015- Mike Hord, SparkFun Electronics
Code developed in Intel's Eclipse IOT-DK

This code requires the Intel mraa library to function; for more
information see

This code is beerware; if you use it, please buy me (or any other
SparkFun employee) a cold beverage next time you run into one of
us at the local.

#include "mraa.hpp"

#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "SparkFunADS1015.h"

using namespace std;

// Declare a variable for our i2c object. You can create an
// arbitrary number of these, and pass them to however many
// slave devices you wish.
mraa::I2c* adc_i2c;

int main()
// The ADC is (by default) connected to I2C channel 1. Here, we create
// a device to pass to the ads1015 object constructor.
adc_i2c = new mraa::I2c(1);

// Now, pass that I2C object and the address of the ADC block in your
// system to the ads1015 object constructor. Note that there are up to
// four different addresses available here, settable by jumper on the
// board. You'll need to create an ads1015 object for each one.
ads1015 adc(adc_i2c, 0x48);

// There are 6 settable ranges:
// _0_256V - Range is -0.256V to 0.255875V, and step size is 125uV.
// _0_512V - Range is -0.512V to 0.51175V, and step size is 250uV.
// _1_024V - Range is -1.024V to 1.0235V, and step size is 500uV.
// _2_048V - Range is -2.048V to 2.047V, and step size is 1mV.
// _4_096V - Range is -4.096V to 4.094V, and step size is 2mV.
// _6_144V - Range is -6.144V to 6.141V, and step size is 3mV.
// The default setting is _2_048V.
// NB!!! Just because FS reading is > 3.3V doesn't mean you can take an
// input above 3.3V! Keep your input voltages below 3.3V to avoid damage!
// getResult() returns a normalized floating point value representing the
// current voltage of the passed channel. User is responsible for
// logic to determine whether the value is at min or max.
cout<<"Ch 0: "<<adc.getResult(0)<<endl;
cout<<"Ch 1: "<<adc.getResult(1)<<endl;
// getDiffResult() returns a normalized fp value representing the
// difference between two channels. Options are
// 0 - Ch0 - Ch1
// 1 - Ch0 - Ch3
// 2 - Ch1 - Ch3
// 3 - Ch2 - Ch3
cout<<"Ch 0 - ch 1: "<<adc.getDiffResult(0)<<endl;

// If you want to do the math yourself, you can determine the current gain
// setting by using the getScaler() command.
cout<<"Current scaler: "<<adc.getScaler()<<"V per bit"<<endl;
// The current voltage is the scaler/1000 multiplied by the raw value. You
// can get the raw ADC readings using the getRawResult() and
// getRawDiffResult() functions.
cout<<"Ch 0 raw: "<<adc.getRawResult(0)<<endl;
cout<<"Ch 1 raw: "<<adc.getRawResult(1)<<endl;
cout<<"Ch 0 - ch 1 raw: "<<adc.getRawDiffResult(0)<<endl;

// If you want to get *really* crazy, you can always go look up the
// datasheet and read and write the configuration register directly.
cout<<"Config register: "<<hex<<adc.getConfigRegister()<<endl;
// There's a "setConfigRegister()" function, too, which expects an
// unsigned 16-bit integer. Just FYI.


i have installed:


i make the exe with:

g++ -std=c++11 test1.cpp -o test1

i update and install the Edison, but:

1.- Which library i need have?
2.- how install every library?
3.- Where i have run mi example of code, for have access a those library
4.- What i have to check for this work good

i have this error:

Continuing with default
-sh: /home/root/iclose/services/ Not a directory
root@iCloseICXMonitor9:~# g++ -std=c++11 test1.cpp -o test1
/tmp/ccDhG3cQ.o: In function `main':
test1.cpp:(.text+0x48): undefined reference to `ads1015::ads1015(mraa::I2c*, unsigned short)'
test1.cpp:(.text+0x59): undefined reference to `ads1015::setRange(VoltageRange)'
test1.cpp:(.text+0x6a): undefined reference to `ads1015::getResult(unsigned char)'
test1.cpp:(.text+0xb4): undefined reference to `ads1015::getResult(unsigned char)'
test1.cpp:(.text+0xfe): undefined reference to `ads1015::getDiffResult(unsigned char)'
test1.cpp:(.text+0x146): undefined reference to `ads1015::getScaler()'
test1.cpp:(.text+0x1a1): undefined reference to `ads1015::getRawResult(unsigned char)'
test1.cpp:(.text+0x1e8): undefined reference to `ads1015::getRawResult(unsigned char)'
test1.cpp:(.text+0x22f): undefined reference to `ads1015::getRawDiffResult(unsigned char)'
test1.cpp:(.text+0x274): undefined reference to `ads1015::getConfigRegister()'
/tmp/ccDhG3cQ.o: In function `mraa::I2c::I2c(int, bool)':
test1.cpp:(.text._ZN4mraa3I2cC2Eib[_ZN4mraa3I2cC5Eib]+0x1c): undefined reference to `mraa_i2c_init_raw'
test1.cpp:(.text._ZN4mraa3I2cC2Eib[_ZN4mraa3I2cC5Eib]+0x33): undefined reference to `mraa_i2c_init'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status


Manuel From south America