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By ptkacik
How do you mount a prototyping board to a Mega 2560 since the digital pins 7 and 8 have an odd spacing?

My plan was to put a set of pins on the large solderable prototyping board but with the odd spacing, it won't fit. That is, if I solder the double ended straight pins under the board and then put that down onto the Mega 2560, pins 8 to 13 (the upper PWM pins) don't line up with the rest of the board.

Since one big benefit of the Mega board is all of the PWM outputs, I don't want to give them up by not connecting them.

By ptkacik
So there 'were' solutions but they are all discontinued.

I guess I'll use the Mega shield and adapt that to the protobox. :(

Thanks though,