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All things pertaining to wireless and RF links
By skinman777
Hi Guys and Gals,
I have a few Xbees Pro series 1 in peer to peer mode and am trying to perform a Node Discovery command but I am not recieveing any response. I can to a NI and get the local identifier but nothing returns on a ND. Can you do a ND in series 1 peer to peer without a coordinator or does one of the Xbees need to be a Coordinator to successfully work.
Thanks in advance for your assistance.
By Valen
Node discovery only scans in the same Channel and PAN ID. So if they are differently set in the other Xbees then it is not going to work. To know about other Xbees on other PANs and Channels you need to execute the A(ctive)S(can) command.
S(can)D(uration) and N(ode discover)T(ime) governs how long the device takes to listen for the other nodes on the channels and pans.
By stevech
Series 1, peer to peer - do you mean that you setup each radio...
pan coordinator - false
require association - false
64 bit addressing
channel and PAN ID same for all
ACK enabled
probably disable Digi MAC mode

But normally, in a no-PAN-coordinator network, the applications using the radios know by definition, the MAC addresses of peers. Needed, because some peers may be off or out of range when ND is done.