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By Mee_n_Mac
snifagoose wrote: Isnt PWM essentially using a similar method to control motors such as this? Pulsing electricity to the motor in order to maintain the set duty cycle? This "pulse" like wave I will be getting out of the rectifier is doing almost the same thing, right? The only difference being that it is outputting voltages up to 170VDC at the wave max amplitude for fractions of a microsecond?
Actually the V >115V is more like for a couple of msecs but the gist of your question above is exactly the question I've been asking myself. And why I wanted the specs on your motor. Let me see if there's something in them that yields a solid answer, one way or the other.

As for a cap across the motor to smooth the waveform ... then you will have 170 VDC on your 115V motor and it may not like it that much. And there would also be the FWD-REV-FWD switching issue. Putting 170 VDC across a cap charged to -170 VDC is likely to lead to acrid smoke and smells.