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Open source ARM Debugger
By skriim
I've got a problem while configuring Cyclone3 FPGA by SVF-file generated by Quartus.
I'm using Ubuntu 10.4 with OpenOCD 0.4.0, I have established connection with my devboard via JTAG, but SVF loading fails with such a report:
Code: Select all
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.4.0 (2010-06-22-01:22)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
1000 kHz
Error: Translation from khz to jtag_speed not implemented
Error: Translation from khz to jtag_speed not implemented
Error: Translation from jtag_speed to khz not implemented
Error: Translation from khz to jtag_speed not implemented
Info : interface specific clock speed value 36515828
Info : JTAG tap: ep3c25f324.tap tap/device found: 0x020f30dd (mfg: 0x06e, part: 0x20f3, ver: 0x0)
Warn : gdb services need one or more targets defined
svf processing file: "led/led.svf"
Error: Translation from khz to jtag_speed not implemented
Command handler execution failed
Error: buffer is not enough, report to author
Error: fail to run command at line 5693
4946 ms used
svf file programmed failed
Command handler execution failed
As you can see, OpenOCD correctly identified my chip as EP3C25 (0x020f30dd, according to a datasheet).
My openocd.cfg file looks like that:
Code: Select all
interface usb_blaster
jtag_khz 1000
jtag newtap ep3c25f324 tap -irlen 10 -expected-id 0x020f30dd
svf led/led.svf quiet
My led.svf file is 1.5MB in size.

Any suggestions of what's going wrong?
By SimonQian
It fails because the tap size is tooooooo long.
In svf.c, there is a algrithom which can allocate a larger buffer in such situation. But I don't have such svf and device to test, so the algrithom is not enabled. And I'm not sure how long tap size can be accepted by the dongle driver.

I'm contacting the mail list to solve the problem, and you are welcome to test if the patch is ready.