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Questions relating to designing PCBs
By sthudium
How do I move a group of components on an Eagle schematic? I tried:

[1] Group everything I want to move.
[2] Edit -> Move
[3] Select group and drag

This does not work, although a similar procedure works for cut and paste.
By Andrew02E
I'm guessing that you are right-clicking to move the entire group, not left-clicking and moving only one part. If you're not, try that.
Also, try right-clicking once to grab the group, move it, and right-click again to place it. You can either do that or hold the right-mouse-button while dragging the group and release the button to place it. Both work for me, but with all the "gotcha's" in Eagle, it might be different for you. Try both and see what happens.
By sthudium
Right-click makes it work, as you suggested!! Thanks.

I misunderstood the Eagle help. I thought it was telling me to right-click to bring up a pop-up menu from which to select "Move". Instead, what works for me is to select "Move" from the "Edit" menu and then use right-click to do the dragging.

Thanks, again.