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General suggestions or questions about the SparkFun Electronics website
By will85iroc
does anyone have an example output for heading in float32? also, how do i convert it to a whole number? my module is xmitting 10111111, 10000000, 00000000, 00000000 which equals 01111111, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000
0x7f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 127
By usman_Gold
hello its good. Can you provide me code of v2xe. As your data show that you had completed it. i am university student and doing project. i shall be very thankful to you if you provide me that code and the one i wrote kindly check it out.
Code: Select all
	V2XE code based on:
	  V2XE Example.c
	  Created by John Gonzaga on Thu Dec 18 2003.
	  Copyright (c) 2003 PNI Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPI code based on:
	  Spi.cpp - SPI library
	  Copyright (c) 2008 Cam Thompson.
	  Author: Cam Thompson, Micromega Corporation, <>
	  Version: December 15, 2008
	#define SCK_PIN   13
	#define MISO_PIN  12
	#define MOSI_PIN  11
	#define SYNC_PIN    10
        const int chipSelectPin = 7;
	#define kSyncChar   0xAA
	#define kTerminator 0x00
	    // commands/frame types
	    kGetModInfo = 1,    // 0x01
	    kModInfoResp,       // 0x02
	    kSetDataComponents, // 0x03
	    kGetData,           // 0x04
	    kDataResp,          // 0x05
	    kSetConfig,         // 0x06
	    kGetConfig,         // 0x07
	    kConfigResp,        // 0x08
	    kSaveConfig,        // 0x09
	    kStartCal,          // 0x0A
	    kStopCal,           // 0x0B
	    kGetCalData,        // 0x0C
	    kCalDataResp,       // 0x0D
	    kSetCalData,        // 0x0E
	    // data types
	    kRawX = 1,          // 0x01
	    kRawY,              // 0x02
	    kCalibratedX,       // 0x03
	    kCalibratedY,       // 0x04
	    kHeading,           // 0x05
	    kMagnitude,         // 0x06
	    kTemperature,       // 0x07
	    kDistortion,        // 0x08
	    kCalStatus,         // 0x09
	    // config types
    kDeclination = 1,   // 0x01
	    kTrueNorth,         // 0x02
    kCalSampleFreq,     // 0x03
	    kSampleFreq,        // 0x04
	    kPeriod,            // 0x05
	    kBigEndian,         // 0x06
	    kDampingSize,       // 0x07
	    // cal data types
	    kXOffset = 1,       // 0x01
	    kYOffset,           // 0x02
	    kXGain,             // 0x03
	    kYGain,             // 0x04
	    kPhi,               // 0x05
	    kCalMagnitude       // 0x06

	/* TODO clean this up*/
	typedef struct
	    long x, y;
	    float xe, ye;
	    float heading, magnitude;
	    float temperature;
	    byte distortion, calStatus;
	} V2XEData;
	V2XEData* data;
	void init_compass(){
	  byte tmp;
	  // initialize the SPI pins
	  pinMode(SCK_PIN, OUTPUT);
	  pinMode(MOSI_PIN, OUTPUT);
	  pinMode(MISO_PIN, INPUT);
          pinMode(chipSelectPin, OUTPUT);
	  pinMode(SYNC_PIN, OUTPUT);
	  digitalWrite(SYNC_PIN, LOW);
	  // The V2Xe must be talked to at f <= 3.6864 MHz -> FOSC/4
	  // enable SPI Master, MSB, SPI mode 0, FOSC/4 (= 2MHz on the 3,3v, 8MHz arduino mini pro)
	  // sync the compass
	void mode(byte config){
	  // have a look at the atmega datasheet for meaning of the config parameter.
	  byte tmp;
	  // enable SPI master with configuration byte specified
	  SPCR = 0;
	  SPCR = (config & 0x7F) | (1<<SPE) | (1<<MSTR);
	  tmp = SPSR;
	  tmp = SPDR;
	void v2xe_sync(){
	  digitalWrite(SYNC_PIN, LOW);
	  digitalWrite(SYNC_PIN, HIGH);
	  digitalWrite(SYNC_PIN, LOW);
	// low level transmission function
	byte spi_transmit(byte value){
	  SPDR = value;
	  while (!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF))) ;
	  return SPDR;
	//Higher level transmission functions
	byte spi_receive_byte(){
	  return spi_transmit(0);
	//Endinaness s by default the "wrong one" (aka not he one used by the arduino)
	unsigned long spi_receive_ulong(){
	  unsigned long res = ((unsigned long)spi_transmit(0)) << 24
	    | ((unsigned long)spi_transmit(0)) << 16
	    | ((unsigned long)spi_transmit(0)) << 8
	    | ((unsigned long)spi_transmit(0)) ;
	  return res;
	// TODO revert the endianess of the compass and use this function instead
	unsigned long spi_receive_ulong(){
	  unsigned long res = ((unsigned long)spi_transmit(0))
	    | ((unsigned long)spi_transmit(0)) << 8
	    | ((unsigned long)spi_transmit(0)) << 16
	    | ((unsigned long)spi_transmit(0)) << 24;
	  return res;
	long spi_receive_long(){
	  unsigned long res = spi_receive_ulong();
	  return *((long*)((void*)&res));
	float spi_receive_float(){
	  unsigned long res = spi_receive_ulong();
	  return *((float*)((void*)&res));
	void ask_mod_info(){
	   byte index, count, type, buffer[64];
	  index = 0;
	  buffer[index++] = kSyncChar;            // all frames always start with a sync character
	  buffer[index++] = kGetModInfo;   // the frame type
	  buffer[index++] = kTerminator;          // don't forget the terminator
	  // now transmit the command
	  count = index;
	  index = 0;
	    // just throw away whatever is receive
	void ask_heading(){
	  byte index, count, type, buffer[64];
	  index = 0;
	  buffer[index++] = kSyncChar;            // all frames always start with a sync character
	  buffer[index++] = kSetDataComponents;   // the frame type
	  buffer[index++] = 1;                    // number of components to retrieve
	  buffer[index++] = kHeading;
	  buffer[index++] = kTerminator;          // don't forget the terminator
	  // now transmit the command
	  count = index;
	  index = 0;
	    // just throw away whatever is receive
	void get_data(){
	  byte index, count, type, buffer[64];
	  index = 0;
	  buffer[index++] = kSyncChar;            // all frames always start with a sync character
	  buffer[index++] = kGetData;   // the frame type
	  buffer[index++] = kTerminator;          // don't forget the terminator
	  // now transmit the command
	  count = index;
	  index = 0;
	    // just throw away whatever is receive
	void receive_data(){
	  byte frame, count, type;
	  // now poll the response by looking for the response SyncChar
	  while(spi_receive_byte() != kSyncChar) delayMicroseconds(250);
	  frame = spi_receive_byte();
	  // the next byte will be the response frame type
	  if(frame == kDataResp){
	    // the next byte will be the data component count
	    count = spi_receive_byte();
	    // get the component data identifier
	    type = spi_receive_byte();
	      case kRawX:
	        data->x = spi_receive_long();
	        // The "long" raw X count is now stored in data->x
	        // The V2Xe can return in little endian or big endian
	        // format, so prior to any transmission set the
	        // V2Xe endian format
	      case kRawY:
	        data->y = spi_receive_long();
	      case kCalibratedX:
	        data->xe = spi_receive_float();
	      case kCalibratedY:
	        data->ye = spi_receive_float();
	      case kHeading:
	        data->heading = spi_receive_float();
	      case kMagnitude:
	        data->magnitude = spi_receive_float();
	      case kTemperature:
        data->temperature = spi_receive_float();
	      case kDistortion:
	        data->distortion = spi_receive_byte();
	      case kCalStatus:
	        data->calStatus = spi_receive_byte();
	        // error condition
	Serial.println((int) data->heading );
	  // cleanup of the eventual garbage
	  while(spi_receive_byte() != kTerminator);


	void GetData()
    byte index, count, type, buffer[64];
	    index = 0;
	    // send SetDataComponents command to get all the data
	    // the order of the components
	    buffer[index++] = kSyncChar;            // all frames always start with a sync character
	    buffer[index++] = kSetDataComponents;  // the frame type
	    buffer[index++] = 9;                    // number of components to retrieve
	    buffer[index++] = kRawX;                // followed by the component identifiers
            buffer[index++] = kRawY;                // ... the order of the identifiers
	    buffer[index++] = kCalibratedX;         // ... will the same in the response
	    buffer[index++] = kCalibratedY;         // ... frame, DataResp
	    buffer[index++] = kHeading;
	    buffer[index++] = kMagnitude;
	    buffer[index++] = kTemperature;
	    buffer[index++] = kDistortion;
	    buffer[index++] = kCalStatus;
	    buffer[index++] = kTerminator;          // don't forget the terminator
	    // now transmit the command
	    count = index;
	    index = 0;
	        // just throw away whatever is receive
	    // now poll the response by looking for the response SyncChar
	    while(spi_receive_byte() == kSyncChar);
	    // the next byte will be the response frame type
	    if(spi_receive_byte() == kDataResp)
	        // the next byte will be the data component count
	        count = spi_receive_byte();
                 // get the component data identifier
	            type = (0);
	                case kRawX:
	                    data->x = spi_receive_long();
	                    // The "long" raw X count is now stored in data->x
	                    // The V2Xe can return in little endian or big endian
	                    // format, so prior to any transmission set the
	                    // V2Xe endian format
	                case kRawY:  
	                    data->y = spi_receive_long();
	                case kCalibratedX:
	                    data->xe = spi_receive_float();
	                case kCalibratedY:
	                    data->ye = spi_receive_float();
	                case kHeading:
	                    data->heading = spi_receive_float();
	                case kMagnitude:
	                    data->magnitude = spi_receive_float();
	                case kTemperature:
	                    data->temperature = spi_receive_float();
	                case kDistortion:
	                    data->distortion = spi_receive_byte();
	                case kCalStatus:
	                    data->calStatus = spi_receive_byte();
	                    // error condition
 void setup()
 void loop()
 digitalWrite(chipSelectPin, LOW);
 digitalWrite(chipSelectPin, HIGH);