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By Nathaniel Lewis
:? Can some one give me some code to run the M8 and M32 USART in Win-AVR(ie. AVR-GCC c code for the avr)? I've looked at the datasheet but it won't work.
By soda
Nathaniel Lewis wrote::? Can some one give me some code to run the M8 and M32 USART in Win-AVR(ie. AVR-GCC c code for the avr)? I've looked at the datasheet but it won't work.
try to look to datasheet, there is a two registers sharing one address location (i dont remember their names). register you write to depends on state of one bit (msb or lsb). but as I wrote, you have to read datasheet :) (furtunately there is this Ctrl+F thing :) )
By bibinjohn
try this code
-----------------MAIN FUNCTION------------------------------------

void main()
unsigned char a;
//lcd initializationsa

InitUART( 25 ); /* Set the baudrate to 2400 bps using a 1MHz crystal */
for(;;) /* Forever */

TransmitByte(0x99); /* Echo the received character */


------------FUNCTIONS TO Initialize UART--------------------------

void InitUART( unsigned char baudrate )
UBRRL = baudrate; /* Set the baud rate */
UCSRB = (UCSRB | _BV(RXEN) | _BV(TXEN) ); /* Enable UART receiver and transmitter */
------------FUNCTIONS TO READ UART-------------------------------
unsigned char ReceiveByte( void )
while ( !(UCSRA & (_BV(RXC))) ); /* Wait for incomming data */
return UDR;/* Return the data */

------------FUNCTIONS TO WRITE UART-------------------------------
void TransmitByte( unsigned char data )
while ( !(UCSRA & (_BV(UDRE))) ); /* Wait for empty transmit buffer */
UDR = data; /* Start transmittion */

void Init_Ports(void)
Receive_DDR=0xFF; //setting that port for output
Receive_PORT=0XFF; //setting all bits high for starting

See the frequency you are using and set baud rates properly, otherwise you will get errors. See the troubleshooting tips
http://avrmicrocontroller.googlepages.c ... lport.html

Bibin John