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By CarsonGrey
Hi all - maybe it will be helpful for me to (briefly) explain the debuging setup that I've been using lately.

First of all know that there are many ways to skin this cat. robin_hodgson posted this great topic: Success: Using Segger Embedded Studio with Artemis. His PDF instructions make it very easy to get a 'pro' ide up and running so that you can write C/C++ code from {nearly] scratch and perform single-step debugging with a Segger J-Link. There is nothing wrong with this method.

(though off-topic here's a plug for the development environment I have been using + maintaining: artemis_dev_platform. It simplifies installation of the required toolchains and incorporates some tools / scripts I have written to speed up development. Build system is pure Make and runs inside a Docker container for cross-platform standardization)

If you want to use VSC then you can use the Cortex-Debug extension. Because this extension is build on top of GDB it might be a little more permissive of debug probes from different vendors.

Getting started is not too hard.
1. Add the Cortex-Debug extension into VSC through the extensions browser (Ctrl + Shift + X)
2. Open the Debug panel (Ctrl + Shift + D)
3. Create a launch.json file (there should be a prompt in a few locations, or you can directly create one in the '.vscode' directory of your workspace. The contents of the file will be discussed below)
4. Ensure the launch.json file is correctly configured (see below)
5. Begin debugging. Shortcut F5 or use options in the 'Debug' dropdown menu

The launch.json file
This file is the single file that is used to configure VSCode debug sessions. It has several fields - I will explain the ones that are important to change. (also a demo file is pasted below)
- "cwd": this will be the base path that VSC uses to try to identify source files from the filepaths included in the ELF (or AXF) file. If this is incorrectly configured VSC will fall back to disassembly to indicate what the cpu is doing. You will be able to tell that it is wrong by the warning that is displayed in the 'Debug Console' which will say something to the effect of 'can't find the file [path_to_file/filename.ext].' That message can help you figure out what to put in the "cwd" field. You can use expressions such as ${workspaceRoot} to get the absolute path to the VSC workspace.
- "executable": this tells which executable to read information from. It must match the code that is on the board or else the debug will not make sense (program counter will map incorrectly to source code that does not match what is really happening). The executable can be an ELF or an AXF but not a '.bin' because that contains no metadata to locate sources.
- "serverpath": Cortex-Debug is built on the GDB standard. In this field you need to supply the path to the executable for your host that will fire up a GDB server. In the example I use the JLinkGDBServerCL.exe but perhaps other GDB servers will work depending on what debug probe you want to use
- "servertype": should be appropriate for the GDB server you are using. Check Cortex-Debug docs for information on what is supported
- "device": Leave this set to "AMA3B1KK-KBR" if you are using an Artemis module. (Perhaps one day the exact revision of the Apollo3 that is used in the Artemis will change but for now that is the right version)
- "interface": Leave this set to "swd" for Artemis. "jtag" is also supported if you are sure that your target is using a jtag interface.
- "runToMain": If true the debugger will automatically breakpoint at the main function.
- "svdFile": This needs to be a path to the .svd file that relays specifics about the chip. This file is included in the [url= ... 1.1.0.pack]Ambiq Device Family Pack{/url]
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