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By dprefont
I have tried unsuccessfully to get several different 3v3 boards (the latest is an Arduino Pro Mini 3v3 from Sparkfun) to work with a Nokia 5110 (LCD-10168) graphic display from Sparkfun, and an SPI-based microSD breakout board from Adafruit. I even tried Adafruit's Feather M0 Adalogger with onboard SD to work with the Nokia but I cannot get the Cardinfo.ino program to go beyond the following line of code - the display just hangs.
Code: Select all
if (!card.init(SPI_HALF_SPEED, chipSelect)) {
Running the original Cardinfo.ino by itself works well. Running the Nokia-5100-LCD-Example.ino file by itself works well, too, providing I change the pinouts in the accompanying LCD_Functions.h file.
It's when I attempt to graft the display functions into the Cardinfo file that I have trouble. (It's preferable for me and many others, I assume, to use a display instead of the serial monitor.)
I was "forced" into using the Adafruit board because the Pro Mini kept running out of memory for global variables and I did not have a Sparkfun SAMD21 Mini board. I'm only using the DHT11 sensor, PCF8523 RTC, SPI and SD libraries.
Text and graphics (if any) are via LcdWriteCmd /Data/Character/String functions.
Pinouts for N5110 are in this code:
Code: Select all
// Nokia 5110 3v3 graphic display pinouts:
#define DC  6     // D is high for data, and C is low for command.
#define RST 5   
#define CE  15    // UNO SS/CS 10. Pin D15 is A1 on Ada M0.
#define DIN 23    // UNO MOSI 11. No MISO needed on N5110.
#define CLK 24    // UNO SCLK 13.
#define BL 9      // Don't forget the 330 or 470 ohm resistor for the backlight LEDs.
#include "font.h";
Thanks in advance for any insights.