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Discussions on how to get your MSP JTAG programmer up and running.
By kangst
I have a Prototype Board for MSP430F1121. The guy that will be programming this for me was wondering if there was an example of the code to set the time to turn a recorder on.
I will be using the msp430f1121 to turn an audio recroder on for ten minutes in the morning and then to turn on for ten minutes in the evening and I need the controller to do this for 2 weeks at a time.
My programmer has dowloaded Kickstart from the TI website and has knowledge of C++ and basic knowledge of C.

Any help would be greatly apperciated.

Thank you,

By chromatech
look around on TI, they have sample code somewhere for turning on an LED.

I imagine it'd be the same thing. except now you gotta do the time control.