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By theuglymonkey
Hey I am building a diy segway and am using the ArduIMU I basically followed directions from this instructable ... hard-part/ but instead of using a arduino nano and a separate gyro, accelerometer I decided to just use the ArduIMU. I am fairly new at all this and took on quite a bit more then I could chew. The problem comes in with the code. It seems that the code given to me must be modified and that makes sense. I need to figure out the analog pins on the board for the accelerometer and gyro so the ArduIMU can read the raw data. some how it has to be modifed to the ArduIMU and I am not sure how I have been over all the schematics and searched the internet to death so any help I will be grateful!

Code: Select all
define LPWM 9          // left motor PWM
#define RPWM 10         // right motor PWM
#define LDIR 11         // left motor direction
#define RDIR 12         // right motor direction

#define A_PIN 0         // accelerometer analog input
#define G_PIN 4         // gyro analog input
#define S_PIN 6         // steering analog input

#define A_ZERO 341      // approx. 1.5[V] * 1024[LSB/V]
#define G_ZERO 253      // approx. 1.23[V] * 1024[LSB/V]
#define S_ZERO 766      // approx. 2.5[V] * 1024[LSB/V]

#define A_GAIN 0.932    // [deg/LSB]
#define G_GAIN 1.466    // [deg/s/LSB]
#define S_GAIN 0.25     // [LSB/LSB] (AAAHHHHHHH WHAT?)

#define DT 0.02         // [s/loop] loop period
#define A 0.962         // complementary filter constant

#define KP 0.5          // proportional controller gain [LSB/deg/loop]
#define KD 0.5          // derivative controller gain [LSB/deg/loop]

float angle = 0.0;      // [deg]
float rate = 0.0;       // [deg/s]
float output = 0.0;     // [LSB] (100% voltage to motor is 255LSB)

void setup()
  // Make sure all motor controller pins start low.
  digitalWrite(LPWM, LOW);
  digitalWrite(RPWM, LOW);
  digitalWrite(LDIR, LOW);
  digitalWrite(RDIR, LOW);
  // Set all motor control pins to outputs.
  pinMode(LPWM, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(RPWM, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(LDIR, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(RDIR, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
  // switch to 15.625kHz PWM
  TCCR1B &= ~0x07;
  TCCR1B |= 0x01;   // no prescale
  TCCR1A &= ~0x03;  // 9-bit PWM
  TCCR1A |= 0x02;

void loop()
  signed int accel_raw = 0;
  signed int gyro_raw = 0;
  signed int output_left = 0;
  signed int output_right = 0;
  signed int steer_raw = 0;
  // Loop speed test.
  digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
  // Read in the raw accelerometer, gyro, and steering singals.
  // Offset for zero angle/rate.
  accel_raw = (signed int) analogRead(A_PIN) - A_ZERO;
  gyro_raw = G_ZERO - (signed int) analogRead(G_PIN);
  steer_raw = (signed int) analogRead(S_PIN) - S_ZERO;
  // Scale the gyro to [deg/s].
  rate = (float) gyro_raw * G_GAIN;
  // Complementarty filter.
  angle = A * (angle + rate * DT) + (1 - A) * (float) accel_raw * A_GAIN;
  // PD controller.
  output += angle * KP + rate * KD;
  // Clip as float (to prevent wind-up).
  if(output < -255.0) { output = -255.0; } 
  if(output > 255.0) { output = 255.0; }
  // Add/subtract steering and integerize.
  output_left = (signed int) (output + (float) steer_raw * S_GAIN );
  output_right = (signed int) (output - (float) steer_raw * S_GAIN);
  // Clip as integer.
  if(output_left < -255) { output_left = -255; }
  if(output_left > 255) { output_left = 255; }
  if(output_right < -255) { output_right = -255; }
  if(output_right > 255) { output_right = 255; }
  // Choose directions and set PWM outputs.
  if(output_left >= 0)
    digitalWrite(LDIR, HIGH);
    analogWrite(LPWM, output_left);
    digitalWrite(LDIR, LOW);
    analogWrite(LPWM, -output_left);
  if(output_right >= 0)
    digitalWrite(RDIR, HIGH);
    analogWrite(RPWM, output_right);
    digitalWrite(RDIR, LOW);
    analogWrite(RPWM, -output_right);
  // Loop speed test.
  digitalWrite(13, LOW);
  // Debug.
  // Delay for consistent loop rate.