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7 segment serial LED display SPI mode query COM-09230

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 8:03 pm
by leunghoming
I would like to know about the connection of COM-09230 in SPI mode,

VCC to 5VDC Power supply
GND to 0VDC Power supply

MOSI via Data signal to VCC...?
CSN to GND Chip set signal...?
SCK via Clock signal to VCC...?

Did the above connection is right?

I will use Pogrammable Logic Control (PLC) to connect the 7 segment display, following is my program design:

An output point Y0 will connect to MOSI common to VCC,
this output will send data to LED display.

An output point Y1 will connect to CSN common to GND,
this output will always at ON state, CSN tie to 0V.

An output point Y2 will connect to SCK common to VCC,
this Y2 will generate 1 second pulse, 0.5s ON and 0.5s OFF.

CSN state 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 00000000
SCK state 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 (1 second clock)
MOSI stat 11000000 00010000 11110000 00001100 00000000 (Data "1234")

Did anyone interest the above fun!