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By ejbommer
I am trying to experiment with the Atmel "CDC demo" on an At90USBKey. I have the drivers loaded and I can read messages sent from the USB key using the Printf command and I can see the LED toggle when I press a key in the hyper terminal, but the software was written to echo back the key pressed and it is not.

It looks like the module is operating properly and I can send and received data with out an issues, it is just unable to send a character using "uart_putchar()"

The code example I am using is"USBKEY_STK525-series6-cdc-2_0_3-doc" from Atmel. I have not changed the code other then add a Printf statement after the Putchar just to make sure I can output a character.

Any help would greatly be appreciated

if (Uart_tx_ready()) //USART free ?
if (uart_usb_test_hit()) // Something received from the USB ?
while (rx_counter)
uart_putchar(uart_usb_getchar()); // loop back USB to USART
printf ("Message Recieved !\r\n");