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Discussions on the software and hardware for Atmel's STK standard.
I have a strange problem.

Your USB JTAG has been working perfectly in one machine which has AVR Studio v4.12 SP2 Build 472. There it connects in COM7.

When I try the same unit in another machine, I have problems. This is how the sequence goes.

I connect the USB side to the Laptop. Driver gets installed and the device is ready for use. It is assigned to COM8.

I connect JTAG to the Board. The LED glows.

I start AVR Studio and try to connect, using the CONNECT diaglog box.
The LED goes off.

I get this message.

"AVR Studio has detected a JTAG ICE with an old firmware version....
..... Select CANCEL to abort upgrade. You will not be able to continue.."

When I press OK, I get another message.

"No Supported board found! AVRProg version 1.40

When I press OK, the next screen displays the usual Connect diaglog box.

And I am stuck. In this machine, AVR Studio v4.12 SP4 Build 498 is installed.

Both the laptops are on Windows XP.

What shall I do now. Should I uninstall the latest Studio and go back to the older version. But it is unlikely that I will get the old version now.



Although I have enabled HTML in my profile, I find HTML is still OFF. I am unable to paste the screenshots of error messages.
By kps
Hi guys at Olimex,

You can take your time to answer. But atleast let me know if you have seen the message. The silence is killing.

No reply / ack for my direct email also.
By Zman
kps! I just had the same problem

the problem is that AVRProg.exe and jtagice.exe from AVRStudio can not work on com port > com4 !

change your config to com1..com4 instead of using com7
By kps
Thank you Zman,

But unfortunately I am not able to do that.
My laptop is Dell E1505. It does not have a serial port. So I am using the USB Jtag. The USB_to_Serial driver allots COM7. I am not able to assign COM1 using the device manager.

Any body knows how to that ?!
By Zman
ksp, it is easy to change the port number! just follow these steps:

1) download and install latest FTDI driver if you have old one ...

2) go to control panel/system/hardware/device manager

3) inside Ports (COM & LPT) tree find your USB-COM port

4) open properties of this port

5) switch to 'port settings' tab

6) click 'Advanced' button

7) select COM1 or COM2, they must NOT show '(in use)', clik OK twice

8) right click to any item in hardware tree, click 'scan for hardware changes', after some time your com port number must be updated

9) enjoy :-)

10) if you able to connect to JTAG and it works, then in the same 'properties' page and inside AVR Studio I suggest to change the port speed to 115200, this will increase debug speed a lot.

Additional information about OLIMEX AVR-USB-JTAG (a short FAQ from me):

1) if you are trying to upgrade a firmware through AVR Studio/AVR Prog be sure to have good external power supply, do not use USB power for JTAG!

2) pins 4 and 7 on JTAG socket must be BOTH connected to +5v

3) if AVR-JTAG is started properly, the LED must be ON. Once you AVR Studio successufuly connected to JTAG, the LED goes OFF. During debug session/program run on target/etc the LED must be flashing time to time (during mode change, program update etc). This means everything works.

4) disconnect JTAG power and JTAG USB port after any changes made (like firmware upgrade, target change etc). Then replug again. It is a hardware reset for JTAG

5) NEVER connect JTAG to ports above COM4!

good luck 8)
By kps
Hi Zman,

Many thanks for your detailed reply.
I had received a reply, in the meanwhile, from Olimex, telling me that I have a old version and that I should follow the same upgrade procedure as given for the serial port jtag.

But I was reluctant to do that. It is anyway working with my old version of AVR Studio, so why take the risk ?

After I got your reply, I tried every single step as told by you.

I started the upgrade through AVR Studio. A short while after the upgrade started, my mains power failed and the upgrade got aborted.

I thought that was the end of my JTAG because AVR studio complained "improper erasure" after I restored the power supply and tried programming the flash once again.

But I was in for a pleasant surprise !! After I cancelled that upgrade screen, my JTAG connected to the target board and I was able to download the program to the target.

Is there any logical explanation for this ?!

Thanks Zman once again for that detailed reply.

By Zman
Just my idea...

I guess that Olimex board can not be upgraded properly, unless you switch the bottloader fuse by serial programmer, as recommended in their html page about firmware update.

So by default this fuse is disabled meaning that upgrade can not work. I had the same strange behavior with my AVR-JTAG-USB and this is a NEW board from Olimex, just two months old. So I suspect there is some compatibility issues between original Atmel JTAG ICE and Olimex board.

I don't know really... since I recovered from the same failure by firmware upgrade - now it works fine 8)