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Discussions on the software and hardware for Atmel's STK standard.
By laptopman
I am making an arduino clone of sorts using the atmega32u4. I have burned the bootloader and all of that jazz, but it is not recognized as a USB device. In fact, it doesn't even make the noise when I plug it in. I checked the connections with a multimeter and it appears to be fully connected. I made sure to put a 22Ω resistor in between D+ on the usb and D+ on the MC (D- as well).
I don't have a whole lot of experience with IC microcontrollers, any thoughts on what might be wrong?
By laptopman
I apologize for my vagueness. I'll go into a bit more detail. I have designed an atmega32u4 board that incorporates multiple peripherals relating to photography and motion control. Peripherals include: 3 servos, 1 easydriver (mounted through headers), 1 2-channel optoisolator, 1 character lcd pinout, 1 8:1 multiplexer. I have the board setup with capacitors as used in sparkfun's pro micro. Using an ISP programmer, I have successfully uploaded and run code verifying all of my components. The only problem is that usb does not recognize that anything is plugged in. Note-just realized that UVCC on the microcontroller is not connected to what it should be. (as compared to pro micro) I'm going to green wire that and then get see if it works. If you have any other thoughts, they would be much obliged.