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Discussions on the software and hardware for Atmel's STK standard.
By Ranham335
I have a project where Im saving to the eeprom, I already set my fuses right. I know how to use dump eeprom to see the eeprom in avrdude. Does anyone know if its possible to save the eeprom to a file on my comp, so i can re upload it to the ucontroller later on.
By Ranham335
After doing my own research I found out how to do it, I'd figured I'll post it here incase anyone needs the information in the future.

To read the eeprom and write it to a file on the comp you use:
avrdude -p m644 -c usbtiny -B 32 -U eeprom:r:mydata.eep:r

To write the eeprom from a file to the microcontroller
avrdude -p m644 -c usbtiny -B 32 -U eeprom:w:mydata.eep