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Discussions on the software and hardware for Atmel's STK standard.
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By John McMahon
I’m new to microcontrollers. A year ago I decided on AVR and got a Kanda STK200 board and a JTAGAVR ICE Adapter for use with AVR Studio 4. I set it aside and am now getting back to it, but see that there’s now AVR Studio 5, which has significant improvements. Unfortunately it’s not compatible with the STK200. Would it make sense to write my code in AVR Studio 5 and use its simulator, then copy the code over to AVR Studio 4 to run it on the STK200? AVR Studio 5 has a lot more sample code, which is important to me. Thanks

John McMahon
Honolulu Hawaii
By NickyW
AVRStudio 5 or 6 can be easily configured to add any programmer, including Kanda STK200 programmers. There is an automatic plug-in for AVRStudio 4 in Kanda STK200 but I added my STK200 USB programmer really easily to AVRStudio 5.

Go to Tools Menu > External Tools and click Add Tool. Call it what you want eg STK200. Set Command to point to AVRISP-U.exe (browse to install path) and in Arguments section use Arrow Button to select Project Directory, followed by Project File Name. They should appear as $(ProjectDir)$(ProjectFileName) – note that there are no spaces in this argument.

Your STK200 programmer will now appear in Tools menu and you just click on it to launch programmer and load hex files and device. So you can use your Kanda STK200 kit with AVRStudio 5 without needing any new kit.