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Discussions on the software and hardware for Atmel's STK standard.
By cosam

I recently purchase a Uzebox AVCore development module and was initially able to program it using avrdude and a simple DIY parallel port programmer as documented at I previously managed to inadvertently reprogram the fuses, setting the AVR to external clock mode. I was however able to get the chip responding again by providing a clock signal to XTAL1 via a wire tacked onto C5. This allowed me to set the fuses to use the crystal on the AVCore, after which I could again program the chip as usual.

Now it would appear avrdude decided to zero out the lfuse again, but my little XTAL1 hack isn't helping this time. With or without an external clock signal, I get nothing but "AVR device not responding" from avrdude. I can see pulses coming in via the programmer on /RESET, SCK and MOSI, but nothing going back along MISO.

Is there anything else I can try to revive the AVR chip?

Thanks in advance,
