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Discussions on the software and hardware for Atmel's STK standard.
By dtadic
I have problem when connect simple extension PCB with few LEDs to AVR-USB-STK. AVR-USB-STK works fine with many AVR software samples, but it does not work with extension PCB is connected eg. software in AVR is stuck and DFU mode cannot be started. Even a simple "LED toggle" sample does not work.
Extension PCB has three low current LED diodes with 330 ohm pull down resistors connected to PD0, PD1 and PD5. I tried just one LED with pull down and LED with pull up resistor to Vcc but problem does not disappear.
PCB is connected with short (2cm) flat cable to extension connector.
I will be very grateful for any help.
Last bumped by dtadic on Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:16 pm.