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Discussions on the software and hardware for Atmel's STK standard.
By jwd270
I have seen in the tutorials that the Arduino bootloader is based on the STK500 bootloader. Will AVR studio recognise the Arduino bootloader as an STK500 for programming?
By jwd270
In case any one else is looking for this information, the answer is no. I tried it on a Arduino Pro 3.3v. AVR studio 4 expects the baud rate for the STK500 to be 115200, the 8MHz crystal on this board is not ideal for achieving this baud rate. The closest you can get is a 3.5% error. I checked my old STK500 and sure enough it utilizes a 7.3728MHz crystal.
By jwd270
Yep. When you go to the connect dialog box, there is a dropdown box for selecting a baud rate, but it is greayed out. I assume this is the default baud rate and once connected it lets you change it. My current project computer dosn't have the 9 pin serial port on it and I havn 't hotwired my old STK500 to an FT232 breakout board to find out.