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Discussions on the software and hardware for Atmel's STK standard.
By gamentine
I also can't seem to get the pocket programmer to be recognized by windows.

when i plug it in i get a "device not recognized" so i manually point to the drivers using the device manager. The result is "No drivers were found at this location".

Device Instance ID is being listed as
By frontier204
The cheap USB hub hack described in another thread viewtopic.php?t=16048 worked for me.

I haven't tried AVR Studio as I just started, but the pocket AVR programmer working using avrdude under Vista 32 bit. I'm connecting my programmer using a non-powered Radio Shack USB hub. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post model numbers of non-sparkfun parts but you can PM me if you want the specific hub I used.
By johnguy
I just pluged it in, upon being pormted from usb "new device detected" entered path to the driver, that I had unzipped after downloading from Sparkfun, and it worked. :)