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Discussions on the software and hardware for Atmel's STK standard.
By suri
I am just starting out with the atmega128
this is what i plan to use:

1) avr-gcc tool chain
2) UISP software programmer
3) A populated ATMega128 Mini Header Board from Sparkfun
4) Parallel Port Dongle Programmer for STK Port from Sparkfun

My questions are :

1) Is the "Parallel Port Dongle Programmer for STK Port from Sparkfun" actually the same as the AVR-ISP programmer available from atmel?

2) Is the "Parallel Port Dongle Programmer for STK Port from Sparkfun" compatible with the ATMega128 Mini Header Board from Sparkfun ?

3) Can i program the "ATMega128 Mini Header Board" with UISP software using the "Parallel Port Dongle Programmer for STK Port from Sparkfun" ?

4)Can i burn a bootloader into the "ATMega128 Mini Header Board" with the "Parallel Port Dongle Programmer for STK Port from Sparkfun" ?

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By sparky
Hi Suri,

I think we went over this in email, but I'm just posting it for general knowledge.

The PG2B is fully compatible with all of our AVR boards. You will be able to program anything to flash including your own bootloader.

Good luck!