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Discussions on the software and hardware for Atmel's STK standard.
By Fizbim
Does anyone know if Olimex is going to upgrade their AVR-JTAG dongle to support the AVR Tiny "debugWire" interface ?

The simple answer is NO
By Yrrebnarg
Is there any reason that goes along with this, or is it just atmel being stinky about it?
To upgrade our firmware we should receive debug-wire protocol etc info.
Atmel didn't disclosed this info so far. According to Atmel's web site they introducing their ATJTAGICE MK2 this month (02/04!), but it's still not available for sale.
Based on past experience I guess they will publish this info with one-two years delay after they sell enough of their own JTAG-2 ;)
So be patient, we are ready and as soon they publish the info we'll go for it
