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Have a good idea for a new product for SFE or Olimex? Let us know!
By iandees
I have a few ideas for projects that would require a high resolution (5MP+) digital still camera:

- In a weather/water proof case, put this camera and a single-board-computer with a ethernet/wifi link to the internet. Have it periodically take pictures in remote areas and upload them somewhere.
- Buy several of them, stick correctly-sized lenses on them, and drive around taking images every second or so. Sync the images to GPS and have a DIY streetview system.

Existing products don't quite work for these:
- Consumer digital cameras, while cheap, are pretty finicky with power usage and requirements for USB control. CHDK allows for intervalometry but not easy external control of Canon point and shoots. They're slow (>1s per image).
- Consumer webcams are getting up there in maximum resolution, but the optics are crummy and I have to deal with a high-speed data stream and pick out the frames I want rather than triggering a single image capture.

The existing Sparkfun products aren't high-enough resolution or are poorly documented. I would assume that something from the guts of a midrange cellphone (like this module maybe?) could be used.

Any hints or tips for existing stuff that I'm missing?
By iandees
I was actually had your diy-streetview project in mind when I was asking this question, but I don't think the CHDK setup can take images faster than 2 or 3 seconds per image, right? Also, how did you manage to keep the cameras powered?
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By janmartin
I did't run a speed test yet. When releasing manually it feels like 1 picture/second works. I will try 1 pic/second by Intervallometer within 3 weeks when I get my new CNCed rig.

The camera has a socket for external power supply.
