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Have a good idea for a new product for SFE or Olimex? Let us know!
By xevilstar
I would need to connect 3 usb hubs I bought directy to one molex each (or better all 3 to one molex to save space) to feed them of the needed electricity directly from the computer psu... do you think it is possible ? those need 12v and I would it to be safe and regulated.
By xevilstar
I have tested it works to connect the power barrell to the grnd and 5v pins of a molex directly to the pc psu. Can Sparkfun produce such a cable ?
By n1ist
That seems to be a custom cable with a rather limited market. It is also a very easy cable to make yourself. Unless you need dozens or more, I doubt it would be worth it to have a cable house tool up for such a run.
By xevilstar
i personally hate those bulky power supplies that are normally sold with for example usb hubs so i am planning to use just such cables to feed my stuffs. i think i am not the only one here.
By xevilstar
am I ?
I think at least a solderityourself kit could be a nice product here.