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Have a good idea for a new product for SFE or Olimex? Let us know!
By CM600
OLIMEX are you planning to make a board with theese microcontrollers?
By jayjay
AFIK, Freescale is tragetting especially the MAX7xxx for large automotive customers, it might take a while before the silicon gets into other segments.
these ARMs are quite capable, but very expensive EUR 16 per chip outch, no near future plans for them, Atmel chips are the nearest replacement if you don't want to go to automotive/aerospace temperature ranges.

By andrey
Personally, I specifically want the automtive range :( I see that you have released a TMS470 board and TMS470 chips are available in that range (though not all). I decided that I can develop a lot of things on a non-automotive range platform and then switch to something else for later prototypes since they're all ARM7 cores anyway, but it would be nice to be able to work with the right chip right away.

Do you have any plans for a TMS470 simple header board?