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By hateuserids

I'm interested in displaying the different musical tones from an instrument, specifically a violin, and generating a visual interpretation with LED lights.

I'm admittedly very new to the world of Arduino, as I've only just made a pedometer for my dynamic's lab class, so I'm looking for some advise on where to start, resources, instruments, code, and any limitations.

From what I know, I believe that I need to use a piezo vibration sensor to translate various the frequencies of the instrument to the Arduino. I need to create a display that will not only react to the sound or vibration of the music played, but will also display a distinct color or pattern for different chords that are played. The idea is that without hearing the music, we would be able to identify the chord being played. In addition, we should also be able to discern if the musician is actively striking the key or letting the strings vibrate freely. The difference in frequency between the two is the shape of the frequency waves. A strike produces a triangle shaped wave, while a freely vibrating string produces a sin wave.