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By cyiu7

I'm using the Lilypad Design Kit ( and trying to make some wearable LED patterns. I made a parallel circuit of six LEDs (two white, two yellow, two purple), but when the circuit turns on, only the two yellow LEDs lit up. When the yellow LEDs were removed, only the white ones lit up, and then when only the purples ones remained, they lit up.

I'm not much of an engineer, but I have read that this may be an issue due to the different forward voltage drops of each LED. Is there a way to put multiple LEDs of different colours in a parallel circuit and have them all light up? Is there a limit on how many can be put in any one circuit (using the standard CR2032 battery provided with the kit)?

Related to that question, is there a limit on how many LEDs can be put in a parallel circuit using the LilyTwinkle that comes with the kit? I'm not exactly sure how to figure out this kind of thing - any help would be appreciated!
