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Code obstacle avoider+ir remote+HC05 bluetooth mobile controller+line follower

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 9:37 am
by NaveenVelusamy
I am trying to make an obstacle avoider with ir remote controller with HC05 bluetooth mobile controller with line follower ! But unfortunately I'm not able to get an perfect code for these particular functions..... Im just an starter with programming.

If any one woud be able to help me then please do!!

Thanks in advance wiring diagram Components

This is the code I tried to use

// Comprehensive Experiment
#include "./IRremote.h"
//Infrared Remote Control

int RECV_PIN = 2; // Set Infrared Remote port
IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);
decode_results results; // Store infrared remote decode data
unsigned long last = millis();
#define run_car '1'//key go
#define back_car '2'//key back
#define left_car '3'//key left
#define right_car '4'//key right
#define stop_car '0'//key stop
/*Car running status enumeration*/
enum {
enSTOP = 0,
} enCarState;

//Speed control
int control = 150;//PWM control speed
#define level1 0x08//Speed level flag
#define level2 0x09
#define level3 0x0A
#define level4 0x0B
#define level5 0x0C
#define level6 0x0D
#define level7 0x0E
#define level8 0x0F

int Left_motor_back=9;
int Left_motor_go=8;

int Right_motor_go=6;
int Right_motor_back=7;

int Right_motor_en=5;
int Left_motor_en=10;
//Bluetooth protocol related
int incomingByte = 0; // Store Received Data(byte)
String inputString = ""; // Store Received Data(String)
boolean newLineReceived = false; // Previous data end flag
boolean startBit = false; // Protocol start flag
String returntemp = ""; // Store return data

/*Set BUZZER port*/
int BUZZER = 12;

/*Set Button port*/
int KEY = 13;
/*Set right &left LED port*/
int right_led=4;
int left_led=3;

/*Set Ultrasonic Sensor*/
int Echo = A1; // Set Echo port
int Trig = A0; // Set Trig port
int Distance = 0;
/*Line Walking*/
const int SensorRight = A2; // Set Right Line Walking Infrared sensor port
const int SensorLeft = A3; // Set Left Line Walking Infrared sensor port
int SL; // State of Left Line Walking Infrared sensor
int SR; // State of Right Line Walking Infrared sensor
const int SensorRight_2 = A4; // Right Tracking Infrared sensor
const int SensorLeft_2 = A5; // Left Tracking Infrared sensor
int SL_2; // State of Left Tracking Infrared sensor
int SR_2; // State of Right Tracking Infrared sensor

int g_carstate = enSTOP; // 1:front 2:back 3:left 4:right 0:stop // State of vehicle running state
int g_modeSelect = 0; // 0:remote control mode(default); 1:line walking mode ; 2: obsracle avoidance mode; 3: tracking
int g_modeComunication = 0; // 0:Infrared remote control 1:Bluetooth remote control
int g_AllState = 0; // 0: Busying; 1:Mode selection
//int g_IRRealse = 0; //Remote control buttons loosen detection

/*Format string initialization*/
int serial_putc( char c, struct __file * )
Serial.write( c );
return c;
void printf_begin(void)
fdevopen( &serial_putc, 0 );

void setup()
//Initialize motor drive for output mode
pinMode(Left_motor_go, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Left_motor_back, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Right_motor_go, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Right_motor_back, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Right_motor_en, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Left_motor_en, OUTPUT);
pinMode(BUZZER, OUTPUT);// Set buzzer as output
pinMode(left_led, OUTPUT);//Set led as output
pinMode(right_led, OUTPUT);//Set led as output
pinMode(KEY, INPUT_PULLUP);// Set button as input and internal pull-up mode

pinMode(Echo, INPUT); // Set Ultrasonic echo port as input
pinMode(Trig, OUTPUT); // Set Ultrasonic trig port as input

pinMode(SensorRight, INPUT); // Set Right Line Walking Infrared sensor as input
pinMode(SensorLeft, INPUT); // Set left Line Walking Infrared sensor as input

Serial.begin(9600); // Set Bluetooth baud rate 9600

digitalWrite(BUZZER, LOW); //Set beep mute
digitalWrite(Left_motor_en, HIGH); // set left motor enble
digitalWrite(Right_motor_en, HIGH); // set right motor enble

//Initialize state
g_carstate = enSTOP; // stop
g_modeComunication = 0; // Infrared Remote Control
g_modeSelect = 0; // remote mode

//Initialize Infrared decode


void Distance_test() // Measuring front distance
digitalWrite(Trig, LOW); // set trig port low level for 2μs
digitalWrite(Trig, HIGH); // set trig port high level for 10μs(at least 10μs)
digitalWrite(Trig, LOW); // set trig port low level
float Fdistance = pulseIn(Echo, HIGH); // Read echo port high level time(unit:μs)
Fdistance = Fdistance / 58; // Distance(m) =(time(s) * 344(m/s)) / 2 /****** The speed of sound is 344m/s.*******/
// ==> 2*Distance(cm) = time(μs) * 0.0344(cm/μs)
// ==> Distance(cm) = time(μs) * 0.0172 = time(μs) / 58
Distance = Fdistance;

void run1() // Advance
digitalWrite(Left_motor_en,HIGH); // Left motor enable
digitalWrite(Right_motor_en,HIGH); // Right motor enable
digitalWrite(Right_motor_go,HIGH); // right motor go ahead
analogWrite(Right_motor_go,210);//PWM--Pulse Width Modulation(0~255). right motor go speed is 255.
digitalWrite(Left_motor_go,HIGH); // set left motor go ahead
analogWrite(Left_motor_go,130);//PWM--Pulse Width Modulation(0~255).left motor go speed is 135.
digitalWrite(left_led, LOW);
digitalWrite(right_led, LOW);
//delay(time * 100); //Running time can be adjusted

void brake() //Stop
digitalWrite(Left_motor_back, LOW);
digitalWrite(Left_motor_go, LOW);
digitalWrite(Right_motor_go, LOW);
digitalWrite(Right_motor_back, LOW);
digitalWrite(left_led, HIGH);
digitalWrite(right_led, HIGH);


void left() //Turn left
digitalWrite(Right_motor_go,HIGH); // right motor go ahead
analogWrite(Right_motor_go,250); // PWM--Pulse Width Modulation(0~255) control speed,right motor go speed is 255.
digitalWrite(Left_motor_go,LOW); // left motor stop
digitalWrite(left_led, HIGH);
digitalWrite(right_led, LOW);

void spin_left() //Left rotation
digitalWrite(Right_motor_go,HIGH);// right motor go ahead
analogWrite(Right_motor_go,200);// PWM--Pulse Width Modulation(0~255) control speed ,right motor go speed is 200.
digitalWrite(Left_motor_go,LOW); // left motor back off
analogWrite(Left_motor_back,200);// PWM--Pulse Width Modulation(0~255) control speed,left motor back speed is 200.
digitalWrite(left_led, HIGH);
digitalWrite(right_led, LOW);

void right() //turn right
digitalWrite(Right_motor_go,LOW); // right motor stop
digitalWrite(Left_motor_go,HIGH);// left motor go ahead
analogWrite(Left_motor_go,230);// PWM--Pulse Width Modulation(0~255) control speed ,left motor go speed is 255.
digitalWrite(left_led, LOW);
digitalWrite(right_led, HIGH);

void spin_right() //Right rotation
digitalWrite(Right_motor_go,LOW); // right motor back off
analogWrite(Right_motor_back,200);// PWM--Pulse Width Modulation(0~255) control speed
digitalWrite(Left_motor_go,HIGH);// left motor go ahead
analogWrite(Left_motor_go,200);// PWM--Pulse Width Modulation(0~255) control speed
digitalWrite(left_led, LOW);
digitalWrite(right_led, HIGH);

void back() //back off
digitalWrite(Right_motor_go,LOW); //right motor back off
analogWrite(Right_motor_back,150);// PWM--Pulse Width Modulation(0~255) control speed
digitalWrite(Left_motor_go,LOW); //left motor back off
analogWrite(Left_motor_back,140);// PWM--Pulse Width Modulation(0~255) control speed
digitalWrite(left_led, LOW);
digitalWrite(right_led, HIGH);
void whistle() //beep sounds
/* int i;
for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) //Output one frequency sound
digitalWrite(BUZZER, LOW); //sounds
delay(10);// delay 10ms
digitalWrite(BUZZER, HIGH); //mute
delay(1);// delay 1ms
digitalWrite(BUZZER, HIGH); //sounds
delay(2000);//delay 2s
digitalWrite(BUZZER, LOW); //mute
// delay(2);//delay 2s

/*Bluetooth receive*/
void Bluetooth(void)
if (newLineReceived)
//Determine if mode selection or not
if (inputString[1] == 'M' && inputString[2] == 'O' && inputString[3] == 'D' && inputString[4] == 'E')
if (inputString[6] == '0') //stop
g_carstate = enSTOP;
g_modeSelect = 0;
g_AllState = 0;
switch (inputString[5])//the fifth bit in the string (0:remote control mode(default); 1:line walking mode ; 2: obsracle avoidance mode; 3: tracking)
case '0': g_modeSelect = 0; break;
case '1': g_modeSelect = 1; break;
case '2': g_modeSelect = 2; break;
case '3': g_modeSelect = 3; break;
default: g_modeSelect = 0; break;
g_AllState = 0;
else if (g_modeSelect == 0 && g_AllState == 0) //remote control mode(default)
switch (inputString[1]) //Direction
case run_car: g_carstate = enRUN; break;
case back_car: g_carstate = enBACK; break;
case left_car: g_carstate = enLEFT; break;
case right_car: g_carstate = enRIGHT; break;
case stop_car: g_carstate = enSTOP; break;
default: g_carstate = enSTOP; break;
if (inputString[3] == '1') //Left rotation
delay(2000);//delay 2s
else if (inputString[3] == '2') //Right rotation
if (inputString[5] == '1') //beep sounds

if (inputString[7] == '1') //speed up
control += 50;
if (control > 255)
control = 255;
if (inputString[9] == '1') //speed reduction
control -= 50;
if (control < 50)
control = 100;

inputString = ""; // clear the string
newLineReceived = false;


void Key_Scan(void)
int val;
while (!digitalRead(KEY)) // When the button is pressed
val = digitalRead(KEY);// Reads the button ,the level value assigns to val
if (val == LOW) //Double check the button is pressed
if (g_modeComunication == 0)// In Infrared remote control
g_modeComunication = 1; // Switch to Bluetooth remote control
//digitalWrite(LED, HIGH); //led lights up
else//In Bluetooth remote control
g_modeComunication = 0; //Switch to Infrared remote control
//digitalWrite(LED, LOW); led lights off
digitalWrite(BUZZER, HIGH); //beep sounds
digitalWrite(BUZZER, LOW); //beep mute
while (!digitalRead(KEY)); //Determine if the button is released or not
digitalWrite(BUZZER, LOW); //beep mute

//Car running control
void CarControl()
if (g_modeSelect != 2 )
switch (g_carstate)
case enSTOP: brake(); break;
case enRUN: run1(); break;
case enLEFT: left(); break;
case enRIGHT: right(); break;
case enBACK: back(); break;
case enTLEFT: spin_left(); break;
case enTRIGHT: spin_right(); break;
default: brake(); break;


void IR_Deal()
if (irrecv.decode(&results)) //Infrared received result
//Serial.println(results.value, HEX);

//if (((results.value >> 16) & 0x0000ffff) == 0x00ff)
//printf("$AR,HSX,%08lX#\n", results.value);
//According to the different values to perform different operations
// 00FD10EF 7 mode off
// 00FDA05F 5 NC
// 00FD609F 6 NC
// 00FD50AF 9 mode play
// 00FD906F 8 NC
// 00FDB04F 0 beep
// 00FD8877 up Advance
// 00FD28D7 < Turn left
// 00FDA857 ok Stop
// 00FD6897 > Turn right
// 00FD9867 DW Back
// 00FD30CF * Left rotation
// 00FD708F # right rotation

// 00FD00FF 1 remote control mode 1
// 00FD807F 2 obstacle avoidance mode 2
// 00FD40BF 3 line walking mode 3
// 00FD20DF 4 tacking mode 4
switch (results.value)
case 0x00FD10EF: g_carstate = enSTOP; g_AllState = 0; g_modeSelect = 0; BeepOnOffMode() ;break; // 7 mode off
case 0x00FD50AF: g_carstate = enSTOP; g_AllState = 0; BeepOnOffMode() ; break; // 9 mode play
//case 0x00FFE01F: g_AllState = 1; g_modeSelect--; if (g_modeSelect == -1) g_modeSelect = 3; break;
//case 0x00FF906F: g_AllState = 1; g_modeSelect++; if (g_modeSelect == 4) g_modeSelect = 0; break;
case 0x00FD00FF: g_AllState = 1; g_modeSelect = 0; ModeBEEP(g_modeSelect); break; // 1 remote control mode 1
case 0x00FD807F: g_AllState = 1; g_modeSelect = 2; ModeBEEP(g_modeSelect); break; // 2 obstacle avoidance mode 2
case 0x00FD40BF: g_AllState = 1; g_modeSelect = 1; ModeBEEP(g_modeSelect); break; //3 line walking mode 3
case 0x00FD20DF: g_AllState = 1; g_modeSelect = 3; ModeBEEP(g_modeSelect); break; //4 tacking mode 4

default: break;
if (g_modeSelect == 0 && g_AllState == 0)
switch (results.value)

//case 0x00FF02FD: control += 50; if (control > 255) control = 255; break;
//case 0x00FF9867: control -= 50; if (control < 50) control = 100; break;

case 0x00FDB04F: whistle(); break; // 0 beep OFF/ON
case 0x00FD8877: g_carstate = enRUN; break; // up Advance
case 0x00FD28D7: g_carstate = enLEFT; break; // < Turn left
case 0x00FDA857: g_carstate = enSTOP; break; // ok Stop
case 0x00FD6897: g_carstate = enRIGHT; break; // > Turn right
case 0x00FD9867: g_carstate = enBACK; break; // DW Back
case 0x00FD30CF: g_carstate = enTLEFT; break; // * Left rotation
case 0x00FD708F: g_carstate = enTRIGHT; break; // # right rotation
default: break; //Stay the same



last = millis();
irrecv.resume(); // received next Infrared decode
else if (millis() - last > 120)
g_carstate = enSTOP;
last = millis();

//mode display
void ModeBEEP(int mode)
for (int i = 0; i < mode + 1; i++)
digitalWrite(BUZZER, HIGH); //beep sounding
digitalWrite(BUZZER, LOW); //mute
digitalWrite(BUZZER, LOW); //mute
//buzzer sounds for 1s to wait mode selection
void BeepOnOffMode()
digitalWrite(BUZZER, HIGH); //beep sounding
digitalWrite(BUZZER, LOW); //mute

//line walking mode
void track()
Infrared signal back means white undersurface ,returns low level and led lights up.
Infrared signal gone means black undersurface ,returns high level and led lights off.
SR = digitalRead(SensorRight);//Right Line Walking Infrared sensor against white undersurface,then LED[L2] light illuminates and while against black undersurface,LED[L2] goes off
SL = digitalRead(SensorLeft);//Left Line Walking Infrared sensor against white undersurface,then LED[L3] light illuminates and while against black undersurface,LED[L3] goes off

if (SL == LOW && SR == LOW) // Black lines were not detected at the same time
g_carstate = enRUN; // go ahead
else if (SL == LOW & SR == HIGH)// Left sensor against white undersurface and right against black undersurface , the car left off track and need to adjust to the right.
g_carstate = enRIGHT;
else if (SR == LOW & SL == HIGH) // Rihgt sensor against white undersurface and left against black undersurface , the car right off track and need to adjust to the left.
g_carstate = enLEFT;
else // Black lines were detected at the same time , the car stop.
g_carstate = enSTOP;
// ultrason_obstacle_avoid
void ultrason_obstacle_avoiding()
Distance_test();// Measuring front distance

if (Distance < 38) ////The value is the distance that meets the obstacle, and can be set according to the actual situation
Distance_test();////Measuring front distance
while (Distance < 38) //Determine whether there is an obstruction again.If there is obstacle , turn the direction and determine again

spin_right();//Right rotation for 400ms
Distance_test();////Measuring front distance
run1();//There is nothing obstacled. Go Advance
// infrared follow mode
void Infrared_follow()
Infrared signal back means there is something obstacled ,returns low level and led lights up.
Infrared signal gone means there is nothing obstacled ,returns high level and led lights off.
SR_2 = digitalRead(SensorRight_2);//Right infrared sensor detects the obstacle,then LED[L5] light illuminates and otherwise it goes off.
SL_2 = digitalRead(SensorLeft_2);//Left infrared sensor detects the obstacle,then LED[L4] light illuminates and otherwise it goes off.
if (SL_2 == LOW && SR_2 == LOW)//There is something obstacled ,goes and follow it.
g_carstate = enRUN;
else if (SL_2 == HIGH & SR_2 == LOW)// There is something obstacled on the right then LED[L4] light illuminates,turns right and follow.
g_carstate = enRIGHT;
else if (SR_2 == HIGH & SL_2 == LOW)// There is something obstacled on the left then LED[L4] light illuminates,turns left and follow.
g_carstate = enLEFT;
else // There is nothing obstacled , stop.
g_carstate = enSTOP;

/*main loop*/
void loop()
/*Check button press*/

if (g_modeComunication == 0) //Infrared Remote Control mode
else//Bluetooth Remote Control mode

// Switch different mode
if (g_AllState == 0)
switch (g_modeSelect)
case 1: track(); break; // Line walking mode
case 2: ultrason_obstacle_avoiding(); break;// Obstacle avoidance mode
case 3: Infrared_follow(); break;// Tracking mode

//Serial read data
void serialEvent()
while (Serial.available())
incomingByte =; //One byte by one byte reads
if (incomingByte == '$') // '$' means the start of packet
startBit = true;
if (startBit == true)
inputString += (char) incomingByte; // The received data constitutes a completed packet.
if (incomingByte == '#') // '#' means the end of packet
newLineReceived = true;
startBit = false;

After this im not able to get the result from the robot :( :( :(

Re: Code obstacle avoider+ir remote+HC05 bluetooth mobile controller+line follower

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 1:25 pm
by DanV
How about adding code tags around your code?

Exactly what doesn't work?
You might find someone who's willing to sift through your code trying to find something somewhere that's not quite right, but you also might not.