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Questions relating to designing PCBs
By mike80439
Hello from an Eagle newbie,

I'm looking for Eagle libraries for the Maxim/Dallas DS2770 and DS2720 parts. I found Orcad libraries but not Eagle. The DS2770 is a 16-pin TSSOP package and the DS2720 is a 8-pin uSOP package.

If these haven't been implemented in Eagle as yet, can someone tell me where I should start?

By Andrew02E
From a quick search on Google, I did not find any.
Have you looked into creating your own libraries for Eagle? As with all things Eagle, it's not hard at all once you've figured out the bag of tricks for it.
A good starting point for creating libraries would be a library creating tutorial, the Eagle manual, or opening existing libraries and poking around (just make backups first).
By Philba
Yeah, creating your own is easier than you might think.

Also, if you do find eagle libraries, do not trust them. While the majority of them will be fine, it only takes one screwed up one to ruin a board. I know from experience. I always print out a 1:1 image and test the fit. Also, I go into the lib manager and look at the pin assignment. I managed to use one that had the pin assignments mirrored.