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Questions relating to designing PCBs
By windreader
I am setting up EagleCAD 6-4-0 on a new Windows XP machine and I am having a problem the directories. I installed EC into the default installation directory C:\Program Files folder and I had no problems with this install to this point. I started EC and in the Control Panel and clicked on Options then Directories. So far, so good.
I wish to have my personal lib,dru,etc on another drive, in my case E: I have created folders for each of the personal items inside the eagle folder which I also created. So I have E:eagle/My cam,E:eagle/My cam etc. I then went back and modified the folder name - like this:

$EAGLEDIR\lbr;E\Eagle\My lbr
$EAGLEDIR\lbr;E:\Eagle\My dru

Again so far so good. Then I click OK and I get a message to the affect that directory /D does not exist - Create it? At this point, I abort the whole business and try to find a solution on the 'net with no luck.

If anyone can explain to me how to proceed I would appreciate it.

By Kamiquasi
I just tried similar, and found no problems. ( note that in your post, you have a path "E\Eagle" rather than "E:\Eagle", but I suspect that's a typo in the post, and not in your config. )

What path does it enter when you go to browse for e.g. the "My lbr" directory you want to use? Does it appear diffrent? Does it accept that without complaint? If it does, what happens when you add '$EAGLEDIR\lbr;" in front of that?

( Edit: Eagle CAD 6.4, also on Windows XP )