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Use openocd to write Atmel SAMB11 code?

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 3:50 pm
by buoyriz
I'm currently using OpenOCD to develop a project for Atmel SAMD21J18A - but I've also got a need to work with the SAMB11, which is a bizarre MCU+Bluetooth hybrid that requires user code to be written to onboard SPI flash, then it gets copied to RAM at boot time. I'd really love to not be stuck with the horrible Atmel Windows-only tools for this chip, since I'm using OpenOCD and GDB so well for the other project.

I'd love to add the support if it's not there, but will admit to not knowing where to start, since this is a franken-chip. Does anyone with a little more clue know what's what? :)
