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Open source ARM Debugger
By TwistedARM
I am starting w AtmelARM SAM7 but find no head topic for that. Anybody interested besides me? Another matter: OpenOCD.exe was unreadable on my CD from Olimex, tried on three different systems. If I understand correctly it is a special patch for Atmel ARM's in the OpenOCD.exe version on the CD?
And, Olimex, welcome into EU!
By Dominic
You can get a current version of the OpenOCD at . Thanks to Michael Fischer!

The OpenOCD on Olimex's CD had a patch to work with the ARM-USB-OCD, I don't think there's anything special for Atmel ARMs in it.


By TwistedARM
Dominic wrote:You can get a current version of the OpenOCD at . Thanks to Michael Fischer!

The OpenOCD on Olimex's CD had a patch to work with the ARM-USB-OCD, I don't think there's anything special for Atmel ARMs in it.


Thank You Dominic!
I have a working OpenOCD now, via the link you gave me!
I intend to use ARM-USB-OCD: it looks like this OpenOCD is a ready-for-ARM-USB-OCD version!?
Best regards,
TwistedARM with a twisted arm