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Open source ARM Debugger
By neutrino
I'm trying to debug pandaboard es with flyswatter 2/openocd 0.8.0

I have configured openocd with "./configure --enable-ftdi"

I started openocd like this with debug activated.
openocd -f ~/openocd-cfg/interface/ftdi/flyswatter2.cfg -f ~/openocd-cfg/board/ti_pandaboard_es.cfg -d3

I try to halt the cpu
from telnet I got the following error.
> halt
Target not examined yet
in procedure 'halt'

The openocd debug log show
ebug: 572 180058 command.c:145 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command type ocd_halt
Debug: 573 180058 command.c:145 script_debug(): command - halt ocd_halt
Debug: 575 180058 target.c:2636 handle_halt_command(): -
Error: 576 180058 target.c:523 target_halt(): Target not examined yet
Debug: 577 180058 command.c:628 run_command(): Command failed with error code -4
User : 578 180058 command.c:666 command_run_line(): in procedure 'halt'

The reset command however sometimes work.
Note I did not have this issue before