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Open source ARM Debugger
By Marco Cruz
Hi there.
I want to share my openocd script to ATMEL SAM4E / SAM4E-EK.

It is working very well and configures the PLL to 240 MHz and MCK to 120 MHz.

I've got a Transfer rate of 22 KB/sec instead 12 KB/sec from original config.

With SAM-ICE and a 700KB binary I had 24" with AtmelStudio (VM Windows 7 x64) and 27" with OpenOCD (Fedora 20 x64)




--- openocd.cfg ---

source [find interface/jlink.cfg]

source [find board/atmel_sam4e_ek.cfg]

# SAM4E chip has only NRST signal
# SAM4E-EK board has only nSRST. nTRST is connected to +3V3 by pull-up.
reset_config srst_only

$_TARGETNAME configure -event gdb-attach {
reset init

$_TARGETNAME configure -event reset-init {


$_TARGETNAME configure -event reset-start {

adapter_khz 500

$_TARGETNAME configure -event reset-end {

adapter_khz 10000
flash probe 0

proc sam4e_pll_init {} {

# Same sequence from ASF/pmc.c

mww 0x400E0A00 0x04000500 ;# FLASH 6 WS

# Initialize main oscillator
mww 0x400E0420 0x00373E09 ;# CKGR_MOR
sleep 10

# Switch to 3-20MHz Xtal oscillator
mww 0x400E0420 0x01373E09 ;# CKGR_MOR
sleep 10

# Disable PLL first
mww 0x400E0428 0x20000000 ;# CKGR_PLLAR
sleep 10

# PLLA 240 MHz
mww 0x400E0428 0x20133F01 ;# CKGR_PLLAR
sleep 10

# PRES CLK_2, MAINCK -> MCK = 120 MHz
mww 0x400E0430 0x00000011 ;# PMC_MCKR
sleep 10

mww 0x400E0430 0x00000012 ;# PMC_MCKR
sleep 10


--- gdb.ini ---

target remote localhost:3333
file foo.elf
b main
mon at91sam4 gpnvm set 1
mon reset init