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Open source ARM Debugger
By _Matik_
As I've written in my last post, I use OpenOCD with JTAG-USB programmer (based on Amontec JTAGKEY) to program and debug my SAM7X256 uC.
My next problem is USB-JTAG speed. In my config file I have:
jtag_speed 6,
but I dont see the difference between jtag_speed 6, jtag_speed 0 and even jtag_speed 100.
The problem is that when I try to write flash with for example 2 kb bin file, it sometimes takes few ms to program it and sometimes it takes much longer, about 5-15 seconds.
The same situation with erasing the flash. I even see that console debug messages run much slower over the screen.

Did anybody had the same problem? I use openocd version 79 from SVN. This may be the problem (I'm really not sure) of PC hardware/OS because I see that this happens much more frequently at work (Intel platform) than at home (AMD platform). The OS, USB driver versions, programmer hardware, OpenOCD and PC hardware class (athlon 3000, celeron 2,66) are the same.
I would like to know if this is only my problem or if more people have it.