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Open source ARM Debugger
By mifi

I have here an AT91R40008 cpu with external flash AT49BV322A.
The flash has the CFI interface too.

The RAM area of the CPU is 0x00300000 to 0x0033FFFF,
the flash has a size of 4194394x8 or 2097152x16.
The CPU use 16bit mode. Start address of flash is 0.

What are now the correct settings for the cfi options?
Should I use the word size or byte size for the size

16bit: flash bank cfi 0x0000000 0x00200000 16 16 0
8 bit: flash bank cfi 0x0000000 0x00400000 16 16 0

Can I use these settings even if only a "window" is
mapped of the flash: 0x00000000 - 0x000FFFFF.
Or must I now use the mapped parameter?

I think I need a working_area too:

working_area 0 0x0000000 0x8000 nobackup

I do not know in which case I use nobackup or backup,
or what is the correct size for the working area.

Can someone explain this?

Best regards,
