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Tips and questions relating to the GPS modules from SFE
By fabiopigi
hi guys

i've needed a way, to see the time on my datalogs from the Lassen iQ FAT16 Datalogger, with version 1.5.

if you put the datamode to normal, it logs some NMEA sentence, and with those the time gets logged as well.

so i wrote a PHP script, which converts the raw NMEA into google earth readable material.

i run it local, since i have to execute a unix command (awk) and the files are rather big (NMEA can quickly get several MB big).

so here's the PHP script

heres an example output ... 8.kmz.html

there are some minor things that arent so good, like the programm needs to have access to unix commands (as said for the command awk, os x and linux both have it onboard), and you should have it locally due the filesize, so it doesnt take that long to upload.
further the timezones are set to switzerland, and the language is german.

well, the script does work for me perfectly, but maybe needs some modification for anybody else.