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Tips and questions relating to the GPS modules from SFE
By praveev

I want the micro-mini gps module to display only the RMC sentence. So, i used the NMEA 103 input query command.

I typed in $PSRF103,04,01,00,01*25 in my terminal and then hit cntrl+enter. But the gps doesn't respond to my command.

What am i doing wrong here? please let me know.
By CopperCrimp
Hmm. There's two things I notice. First I cant figure out how you came up with the checksum 25. But beyond that there seems to be some discrepancy in the manual. In some examples they have leading zero's, and in others they don't. Try entering this string and see what happens:


21 hex is what I get for the checksum. If that doesnt work try removing the leading zero's. It so happens that the checksum works out to be the same:
