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Tips and questions relating to the GPS modules from SFE
By alstewart
Has anyone been able to successfully send a $PUNV command to this board? or any MN5010HS based breakout?

I see the default sequences fine, but for the life of me can not get the part to respond to any configuration commands sent via C program, or via hyperterminal.
By shilpert
GPS conntected to FTDI rX no problem, not able to tX. Did you figure out what the issue was?
By Rocket254
I'm in the exact same situation. Using a TTL to RS232 converter, I can read the default data all day long. I've tried sending an input command to mask all but a certain type of message from a terminal as well as though an LPC1768 ARM device. Neither have any effect. I've also used Sky Traq and can accurately read results but, agian, receive a "timeout" error when attempting to transmit any input command. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! :mrgreen: