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Topics pertaining to the Arduino Core & software used with the Artemis module and Artemis development boards.
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By dlp
I've used the following sketch (modified from a handy site about Teensy FFT) to time the acquisition of 512 ADC values, but it tops out at about 65kS/s. How are we to acquire at or near the very impressive Artemis MS/s rates?

/*dlp - Using an Artemis Redboard, found for the original 512 samples at 50khz, the measured freq is 38.1khz
if you specify 14 or 16-bit resolution it stays the same
200khz = 65.1
100khz = 65.1
90khz = 65.1
80khz = 52.5
70khz = 52.5
60khz = 43.8
50khz = 38.1 (23.8% low)
40khz = 33.5 (16.2% low)
30khz = 26.6 (11.3% low)
20khz = 17.9 (10.5% low)

#define SAMPLES 512 //Must be a power of 2
#define SAMPLING_FREQUENCY 50000 //Hz
#define REFRESH_RATE 10 //Hz

unsigned long sampling_period_us;
unsigned long useconds_sampling;

unsigned long refresh_period_us;
unsigned long useconds_refresh;
float SamplesAcqFreq;

double vReal[SAMPLES];
double vImag[SAMPLES];

uint8_t analogpin = A0;

void setup() {
//analogReadResolution(14); //Set resolution to 14 bit
//analogReadResolution(16); //Set resolution to 16 bit - will pad ADC output with two zeros
sampling_period_us = round(1000000*(1.0/SAMPLING_FREQUENCY));
refresh_period_us = round(1000000*(1.0/REFRESH_RATE));
pinMode(analogpin, INPUT);

void loop() {
useconds_refresh = micros();
for(int i=0; i<SAMPLES; i++)
useconds_sampling = micros();

vReal = analogRead(analogpin);
vImag = 0;

while(micros() < (useconds_sampling + sampling_period_us)){
SamplesAcqFreq = SAMPLES/((float(micros())-useconds_refresh)/1000000);
Serial.println(SamplesAcqFreq); //print sample freq
while(micros() < (useconds_refresh + refresh_period_us)){ //wait for refresh time
} ... -analysis/
By Valen
You are doing calculations on sample time in your code. But those are just make-believe results or after-the-fact rates. You probably need to change some register settings to change the ADC clock prescaler to affect the real sample rate. I am unaware of where to find the datasheet of the processor because I am too unfamiliar with the board/chip architecture. But that would be where the solution lies.
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By dlp
I modified a C-code example found in the Ambiq-Micro SDK (adc_lpmode0_dma.c ) and it now works on the Artemis Redboard & Arduino IDE.
Single-channel, single-ended, 14bit acquisition, choosing frequencies that will include one complete wave in the 512-point buffer I measure the following S/s:
500Hz with AVG_8 = 140kS/s.
3kHz with AVG_1 = 1.11MS/s.

Here's the sketch:

Edited by moderator to add code tags. Please use the code tag button above when posting code.
Code: Select all
//! @file adc_lpmode0_dma.c
//! @brief This example takes samples with the ADC at high-speed using DMA.
//! Purpose: This example shows the CTIMER-A3 triggering repeated samples of an external
//! input at 1.2Msps in LPMODE0.  The example uses the CTIMER-A3 to trigger
//! ADC sampling.  Each data point is 8 sample average and is transferred
//! from the ADC FIFO into an SRAM buffer using DMA.

#include "am_bsp.h"

// Define a circular buffer to hold the ADC samples
#define ResolutionBits 14

// ADC Sample buffer.
uint32_t g_ui32ADCSampleBuffer[ADC_SAMPLE_BUF_SIZE];

am_hal_adc_sample_t SampleBuffer[ADC_SAMPLE_BUF_SIZE];

unsigned long useconds_refresh;

// ADC Device Handle.
//static void *g_ADCHandle;

// ADC DMA complete flag.
volatile bool                   g_bADCDMAComplete;

// ADC DMA error flag.
volatile bool                   g_bADCDMAError;

// Define the ADC SE0 pin to be used. (A4)
const am_hal_gpio_pincfg_t g_AM_PIN_16_ADCSE0 =
    .uFuncSel       = AM_HAL_PIN_16_ADCSE0,

// Interrupt handler for the ADC.
extern "C" void am_adc_isr()  //must use 'extern "C" ' for the Artemis
    uint32_t ui32IntMask;

    // Read the interrupt status.
    if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_interrupt_status(g_ADCHandle, &ui32IntMask, false))
        //am_util_stdio_printf("Error reading ADC interrupt status\n");
        Serial.println("Error reading ADC interrupt status");

    // Clear the ADC interrupt.
    if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_interrupt_clear(g_ADCHandle, ui32IntMask))
        //am_util_stdio_printf("Error clearing ADC interrupt status\n");
        Serial.println("Error clearing ADC interrupt status");

    // If we got a DMA complete, set the flag.
    if (ui32IntMask & AM_HAL_ADC_INT_DCMP)
        g_bADCDMAComplete = true;

    // If we got a DMA error, set the flag.
    if (ui32IntMask & AM_HAL_ADC_INT_DERR)
        g_bADCDMAError = true;

// Set up the core for sleeping, and then go to sleep.
void sleep()
    // Disable things that can't run in sleep mode.
//#if (0 == ADC_EXAMPLE_DEBUG)
//    am_bsp_debug_printf_disable();

    // Go to Deep Sleep.
    // Re-enable peripherals for run mode.
//#if (0 == ADC_EXAMPLE_DEBUG)
//    am_bsp_debug_printf_enable();


// Configure the ADC.
void adc_config_dma()
    am_hal_adc_dma_config_t       ADCDMAConfig;

    // Configure the ADC to use DMA for the sample transfer.
    ADCDMAConfig.bDynamicPriority = true;
    ADCDMAConfig.bDMAEnable = true;
    ADCDMAConfig.ui32SampleCount = ADC_SAMPLE_BUF_SIZE;
    ADCDMAConfig.ui32TargetAddress = (uint32_t)g_ui32ADCSampleBuffer;
    if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_configure_dma(g_ADCHandle, &ADCDMAConfig))
        //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - configuring ADC DMA failed.\n");
        Serial.println("Error - configuring ADC DMA failed.");
    // Reset the ADC DMA flags.
    g_bADCDMAComplete = false;
    g_bADCDMAError = false;

// Configure the ADC.
void adc_config()
    am_hal_adc_config_t           ADCConfig;
    am_hal_adc_slot_config_t      ADCSlotConfig;

    // Initialize the ADC and get the handle.
    if ( AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_initialize(0, &g_ADCHandle) )
        //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - reservation of the ADC instance failed.\n");
        Serial.println("Error - reservation of the ADC instance failed.");

    // Power on the ADC.
    if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_power_control(g_ADCHandle,
                                                          false) )
        //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - ADC power on failed.\n");
        Serial.println("Error - ADC power on failed.");

    // Set up the ADC configuration parameters. These settings are reasonable
    // for accurate measurements at a low sample rate.
    ADCConfig.eClock             = AM_HAL_ADC_CLKSEL_HFRC;
    ADCConfig.ePolarity          = AM_HAL_ADC_TRIGPOL_RISING;
    ADCConfig.eTrigger           = AM_HAL_ADC_TRIGSEL_SOFTWARE;
    ADCConfig.eReference         = AM_HAL_ADC_REFSEL_INT_2P0;
    ADCConfig.eClockMode         = AM_HAL_ADC_CLKMODE_LOW_LATENCY;
    ADCConfig.ePowerMode         = AM_HAL_ADC_LPMODE0; 
    if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_configure(g_ADCHandle, &ADCConfig))
        //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - configuring ADC failed.\n");
        Serial.println("Error - configuring ADC failed.");

    // Set up an ADC slot
    ADCSlotConfig.eMeasToAvg      = AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_AVG_1;
    ADCSlotConfig.ePrecisionMode  = AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_14BIT;
    ADCSlotConfig.eChannel        = AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE0; 
    ADCSlotConfig.bWindowCompare  = false;
    ADCSlotConfig.bEnabled        = true;

        // Single-ended channels
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE0, (pad 16, ArtemisRB A4)
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE1, (pad 29, ArtemisRB A0)
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE2, (pad 11, ArtemisRB A1)
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE3, (pad 31, ArtemisRB A5)
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE4, (pad 32, ArtemisRB A8)
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE5, (pad 33, ArtemisRB A3)
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE6, (pad 34, ArtemisRB A2)
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE7, (pad 35, ArtemisRB n/a)
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE8, (pad 13, ArtemisRB A10)
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE9, (pad 12, ArtemisRB A9)
    // Differential channels. 
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_DF0, pads 12 (-), pad 13(+)
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_DF1, pads 15 (-), pad 14(+) (ArtemisRB n/a)
    // Miscellaneous other signals.

    if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_configure_slot(g_ADCHandle, 0, &ADCSlotConfig))
        //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - configuring ADC Slot 0 failed.\n");
        Serial.println("Error - configuring ADC Slot 0 failed.");

    // Configure the ADC to use DMA for the sample transfer.
    // For this example, the samples will be coming in slowly. This means we
    // can afford to wake up for every conversion.
    am_hal_adc_interrupt_enable(g_ADCHandle, AM_HAL_ADC_INT_DERR | AM_HAL_ADC_INT_DCMP );

    // Enable the ADC.
    if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_enable(g_ADCHandle))
        //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - enabling ADC failed.\n");
        Serial.println("Error - enabling ADC failed.");

// Initialize the ADC repetitive sample timer A3.
void init_timerA3_for_ADC()
    // Start a timer to trigger the ADC periodically (1 second).?? Must be a hold-over from another version
    am_hal_ctimer_config_single(3, AM_HAL_CTIMER_TIMERA,
                                AM_HAL_CTIMER_HFRC_12MHZ    |
                                AM_HAL_CTIMER_FN_REPEAT     |


    am_hal_ctimer_period_set(3, AM_HAL_CTIMER_TIMERA, 10, 5); //10 tick period, 5 ticks wide

    // Enable the timer A3 to trigger the ADC directly

    // Start the timer.
    am_hal_ctimer_start(3, AM_HAL_CTIMER_TIMERA);

void setup() {
     while (!Serial) {}
     Serial.println("Hi-speed ADC test");
    // Set the clock frequency.
     if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_clkgen_control(AM_HAL_CLKGEN_CONTROL_SYSCLK_MAX, 0))
        //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - configuring the system clock failed.\n");
        Serial.println("Error - configuring the system clock failed.");

    // Set the default cache configuration and enable it.
    if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_cachectrl_config(&am_hal_cachectrl_defaults))
        //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - configuring the system cache failed.\n");
        Serial.println("Error - configuring the system cache failed.");
    if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_cachectrl_enable())
        //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - enabling the system cache failed.\n");
        Serial.println("Error - enabling the system cache failed.");

    // Configure the board for low power operation.

    // Enable only the first 512KB bank of Flash (0).  Disable Flash(1)
    if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_pwrctrl_memory_enable(AM_HAL_PWRCTRL_MEM_FLASH_MIN))
        //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - configuring the flash memory failed.\n");
        Serial.println("Error - configuring the flash memory failed.");

    // Enable the first 32K of TCM SRAM.
    if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_pwrctrl_memory_enable(AM_HAL_PWRCTRL_MEM_SRAM_32K_DTCM))
        //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - configuring the SRAM failed.\n");
        Serial.println("Error - configuring the SRAM failed.");

    // Start the ITM interface.

    // Start the CTIMER A3 for timer-based ADC measurements.

    // Enable interrupts.

    // Set a pin to act as our ADC input
    am_hal_gpio_pinconfig(16, g_AM_PIN_16_ADCSE0); //artemis pad 16 is A4

    // Configure the ADC

    // Trigger the ADC sampling for the first time manually.
    if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_sw_trigger(g_ADCHandle))
        //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - triggering the ADC failed.\n");
        Serial.println("Error - triggering the ADC failed.");

    // Print the banner.
    //am_util_stdio_printf("ADC Example with 1.2Msps and LPMODE=0\n");
    Serial.println("ADC Example with 1.2Msps and LPMODE=0");

    // Allow time for all printing to finish.

    // We are done printing. Disable debug printf messages on ITM.
//#if (0 == ADC_EXAMPLE_DEBUG)
//    am_bsp_debug_printf_disable();


void loop() {
        // Go to Deep Sleep.
        useconds_refresh = micros();
        if (!g_bADCDMAComplete)

        // Check for DMA errors.
        if (g_bADCDMAError)
            //am_util_stdio_printf("DMA Error occured\n");
            Serial.println("DMA Error occured");

        // Check if the ADC DMA completion interrupt occurred.
        if (g_bADCDMAComplete)
            for (int i=0; i<ADC_SAMPLE_BUF_SIZE; i++){
                  //14 bit is 0-16383 on a range of 0-2V  
                uint32_t result = g_ui32ADCSampleBuffer[i];//*(2.0 /16383.0);
                //Shift result depending on resolution, averaging
                result = result >> (6);
               // Serial.println(result);
                Serial.println(result*(2.0 /16383.0),3);
                uint32_t        ui32SampleCount;
                am_util_stdio_printf("DMA Complete\n");
                ui32SampleCount = ADC_SAMPLE_BUF_SIZE;
                if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_samples_read(g_ADCHandle, false,
                    //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - failed to process samples.\n");
                    Serial.println("Error - failed to process samples.");

            // Reset the DMA completion and error flags.
            g_bADCDMAComplete = false;

            // Re-configure the ADC DMA.

            // Clear the ADC interrupts.
            if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_interrupt_clear(g_ADCHandle, 0xFFFFFFFF))
                //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - clearing the ADC interrupts failed.\n");
                Serial.println("Error - clearing the ADC interrupts failed.");

            // Trigger the ADC sampling for the first time manually.
            if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_sw_trigger(g_ADCHandle))
                //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - triggering the ADC failed.\n");
                Serial.println("Error - triggering the ADC failed.");
        } // if ()

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By dlp
There was a typo in the last working sketch for this so I'll re-post it.
Now that I've got 1 channel working, I'm going for 2 channels, but it's eluding me so far. Any thoughts?

Edited by moderator to add code tags.
Code: Select all
//! @file adc_lpmode0_dma.c
//! @brief This example takes samples with the ADC at high-speed using DMA.
//! Purpose: This example shows the CTIMER-A3 triggering repeated samples of an external
//! input at 1.2Msps in LPMODE0.  The example uses the CTIMER-A3 to trigger
//! ADC sampling.  Each data point is 8 sample average and is transferred
//! from the ADC FIFO into an SRAM buffer using DMA.

#include "am_bsp.h"

// Define a circular buffer to hold the ADC samples
#define ResolutionBits 14

// ADC Sample buffer.
uint32_t g_ui32ADCSampleBuffer[ADC_SAMPLE_BUF_SIZE];

am_hal_adc_sample_t SampleBuffer[ADC_SAMPLE_BUF_SIZE];

unsigned long useconds_refresh;

// ADC Device Handle.
//static void *g_ADCHandle;

// ADC DMA complete flag.
volatile bool                   g_bADCDMAComplete;

// ADC DMA error flag.
volatile bool                   g_bADCDMAError;

// Define the ADC SE0 pin to be used. (A4)
const am_hal_gpio_pincfg_t g_AM_PIN_16_ADCSE0 =
    .uFuncSel       = AM_HAL_PIN_16_ADCSE0,

// Interrupt handler for the ADC.
extern "C" void am_adc_isr()  //must use 'extern "C" ' for the Artemis
    uint32_t ui32IntMask;

    // Read the interrupt status.
    if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_interrupt_status(g_ADCHandle, &ui32IntMask, false))
        //am_util_stdio_printf("Error reading ADC interrupt status\n");
        Serial.println("Error reading ADC interrupt status");

    // Clear the ADC interrupt.
    if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_interrupt_clear(g_ADCHandle, ui32IntMask))
        //am_util_stdio_printf("Error clearing ADC interrupt status\n");
        Serial.println("Error clearing ADC interrupt status");

    // If we got a DMA complete, set the flag.
    if (ui32IntMask & AM_HAL_ADC_INT_DCMP)
        g_bADCDMAComplete = true;

    // If we got a DMA error, set the flag.
    if (ui32IntMask & AM_HAL_ADC_INT_DERR)
        g_bADCDMAError = true;

// Set up the core for sleeping, and then go to sleep.
void sleep()
    // Disable things that can't run in sleep mode.
//#if (0 == ADC_EXAMPLE_DEBUG)
//    am_bsp_debug_printf_disable();

    // Go to Deep Sleep.
    // Re-enable peripherals for run mode.
//#if (0 == ADC_EXAMPLE_DEBUG)
//    am_bsp_debug_printf_enable();


// Configure the ADC.
void adc_config_dma()
    am_hal_adc_dma_config_t       ADCDMAConfig;

    // Configure the ADC to use DMA for the sample transfer.
    ADCDMAConfig.bDynamicPriority = true;
    ADCDMAConfig.bDMAEnable = true;
    ADCDMAConfig.ui32SampleCount = ADC_SAMPLE_BUF_SIZE;
    ADCDMAConfig.ui32TargetAddress = (uint32_t)g_ui32ADCSampleBuffer;
    if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_configure_dma(g_ADCHandle, &ADCDMAConfig))
        //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - configuring ADC DMA failed.\n");
        Serial.println("Error - configuring ADC DMA failed.");
    // Reset the ADC DMA flags.
    g_bADCDMAComplete = false;
    g_bADCDMAError = false;

// Configure the ADC.
void adc_config()
    am_hal_adc_config_t           ADCConfig;
    am_hal_adc_slot_config_t      ADCSlotConfig;

    // Initialize the ADC and get the handle.
    if ( AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_initialize(0, &g_ADCHandle) )
        //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - reservation of the ADC instance failed.\n");
        Serial.println("Error - reservation of the ADC instance failed.");

    // Power on the ADC.
    if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_power_control(g_ADCHandle,
                                                          false) )
        //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - ADC power on failed.\n");
        Serial.println("Error - ADC power on failed.");

    // Set up the ADC configuration parameters. These settings are reasonable
    // for accurate measurements at a low sample rate.
    ADCConfig.eClock             = AM_HAL_ADC_CLKSEL_HFRC;
    ADCConfig.ePolarity          = AM_HAL_ADC_TRIGPOL_RISING;
    ADCConfig.eTrigger           = AM_HAL_ADC_TRIGSEL_SOFTWARE;
    ADCConfig.eReference         = AM_HAL_ADC_REFSEL_INT_2P0;
    ADCConfig.eClockMode         = AM_HAL_ADC_CLKMODE_LOW_LATENCY;
    ADCConfig.ePowerMode         = AM_HAL_ADC_LPMODE0; 
    if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_configure(g_ADCHandle, &ADCConfig))
        //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - configuring ADC failed.\n");
        Serial.println("Error - configuring ADC failed.");

    // Set up an ADC slot
    ADCSlotConfig.eMeasToAvg      = AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_AVG_1;
    ADCSlotConfig.ePrecisionMode  = AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_14BIT;
    ADCSlotConfig.eChannel        = AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE0; 
    ADCSlotConfig.bWindowCompare  = false;
    ADCSlotConfig.bEnabled        = true;

        // Single-ended channels
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE0, (pad 16, ArtemisRB A4)
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE1, (pad 29, ArtemisRB A0)
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE2, (pad 11, ArtemisRB A1)
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE3, (pad 31, ArtemisRB A5)
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE4, (pad 32, ArtemisRB A8)
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE5, (pad 33, ArtemisRB A3)
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE6, (pad 34, ArtemisRB A2)
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE7, (pad 35, ArtemisRB n/a)
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE8, (pad 13, ArtemisRB A10)
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE9, (pad 12, ArtemisRB A9)
    // Differential channels. 
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_DF0, pads 12 (-), pad 13(+)
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_DF1, pads 15 (-), pad 14(+) (ArtemisRB n/a)
    // Miscellaneous other signals.

    if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_configure_slot(g_ADCHandle, 0, &ADCSlotConfig))
        //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - configuring ADC Slot 0 failed.\n");
        Serial.println("Error - configuring ADC Slot 0 failed.");

    // Configure the ADC to use DMA for the sample transfer.
    // For this example, the samples will be coming in slowly. This means we
    // can afford to wake up for every conversion.
    am_hal_adc_interrupt_enable(g_ADCHandle, AM_HAL_ADC_INT_DERR | AM_HAL_ADC_INT_DCMP );

    // Enable the ADC.
    if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_enable(g_ADCHandle))
        //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - enabling ADC failed.\n");
        Serial.println("Error - enabling ADC failed.");

// Initialize the ADC repetitive sample timer A3.
void init_timerA3_for_ADC()
    // Start a timer to trigger the ADC periodically (1 second).?? Must be a hold-over from another version
    am_hal_ctimer_config_single(3, AM_HAL_CTIMER_TIMERA,
                                AM_HAL_CTIMER_HFRC_12MHZ    |
                                AM_HAL_CTIMER_FN_REPEAT     |


    am_hal_ctimer_period_set(3, AM_HAL_CTIMER_TIMERA, 10, 5); //10 tick period, 5 ticks wide

    // Enable the timer A3 to trigger the ADC directly

    // Start the timer.
    am_hal_ctimer_start(3, AM_HAL_CTIMER_TIMERA);

void setup() {
     while (!Serial) {}
     Serial.println("Hi-speed ADC test");
    // Set the clock frequency.
     if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_clkgen_control(AM_HAL_CLKGEN_CONTROL_SYSCLK_MAX, 0))
        //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - configuring the system clock failed.\n");
        Serial.println("Error - configuring the system clock failed.");

    // Set the default cache configuration and enable it.
    if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_cachectrl_config(&am_hal_cachectrl_defaults))
        //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - configuring the system cache failed.\n");
        Serial.println("Error - configuring the system cache failed.");
    if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_cachectrl_enable())
        //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - enabling the system cache failed.\n");
        Serial.println("Error - enabling the system cache failed.");

    // Configure the board for low power operation.

    // Enable only the first 512KB bank of Flash (0).  Disable Flash(1)
    if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_pwrctrl_memory_enable(AM_HAL_PWRCTRL_MEM_FLASH_MIN))
        //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - configuring the flash memory failed.\n");
        Serial.println("Error - configuring the flash memory failed.");

    // Enable the first 32K of TCM SRAM.
    if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_pwrctrl_memory_enable(AM_HAL_PWRCTRL_MEM_SRAM_32K_DTCM))
        //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - configuring the SRAM failed.\n");
        Serial.println("Error - configuring the SRAM failed.");

    // Start the ITM interface.

    // Start the CTIMER A3 for timer-based ADC measurements.

    // Enable interrupts.

    // Set a pin to act as our ADC input
    am_hal_gpio_pinconfig(16, g_AM_PIN_16_ADCSE0); //artemis pad 16 is A4

    // Configure the ADC

    // Trigger the ADC sampling for the first time manually.
    if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_sw_trigger(g_ADCHandle))
        //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - triggering the ADC failed.\n");
        Serial.println("Error - triggering the ADC failed.");

    // Print the banner.
    //am_util_stdio_printf("ADC Example with 1.2Msps and LPMODE=0\n");
    Serial.println("ADC Example with 1.2Msps and LPMODE=0");

    // Allow time for all printing to finish.

    // We are done printing. Disable debug printf messages on ITM.
//#if (0 == ADC_EXAMPLE_DEBUG)
//    am_bsp_debug_printf_disable();


void loop() {
        // Go to Deep Sleep.
        useconds_refresh = micros();
        if (!g_bADCDMAComplete)

        // Check for DMA errors.
        if (g_bADCDMAError)
            //am_util_stdio_printf("DMA Error occured\n");
            Serial.println("DMA Error occured");

        // Check if the ADC DMA completion interrupt occurred.
        if (g_bADCDMAComplete)
            for (int i=0; i<ADC_SAMPLE_BUF_SIZE; i++){
                  //14 bit is 0-16383 on a range of 0-2V  
                uint32_t result = g_ui32ADCSampleBuffer[i];//*(2.0 /16383.0);
                //Shift result depending on resolution, averaging
                result = result >> (6);
               // Serial.println(result);
                Serial.println(result*(2.0 /16383.0),3);
             while(1){}   //pause execution

            // Reset the DMA completion and error flags.
            g_bADCDMAComplete = false;

            // Re-configure the ADC DMA.

            // Clear the ADC interrupts.
            if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_interrupt_clear(g_ADCHandle, 0xFFFFFFFF))
                //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - clearing the ADC interrupts failed.\n");
                Serial.println("Error - clearing the ADC interrupts failed.");

            // Trigger the ADC sampling for the first time manually.
            if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_sw_trigger(g_ADCHandle))
                //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - triggering the ADC failed.\n");
                Serial.println("Error - triggering the ADC failed.");
        } // if ()

User avatar
By dlp
Here's a mod to the sketch that will do 2 Channels at high speed. A 2kHz signal will put 2 completes waves in the buffer and I measure a sample frequency of 552kS/s per channel. As expected half the frequency of a single channel.

Code: Select all
//! @file adc_lpmode0_dma.c
//! @brief This example takes samples with the ADC at high-speed using DMA.
//! Purpose: This example shows the CTIMER-A3 triggering repeated samples of an external
//! input at 1.2Msps in LPMODE0. The example uses the CTIMER-A3 to trigger
//! ADC sampling. Each data point is 8 sample average and is transferred
//! from the ADC FIFO into an SRAM buffer using DMA.

// uses bit-masking to parse out the data

#include "am_bsp.h"

// ADC Sample buffer.
#define ADC_SAMPLE_BUF_SIZE (1024) //2channels at 512 samples.  Ch1 and Ch2 alternate in the buffer

uint32_t g_ui32ADCSampleBuffer[ADC_SAMPLE_BUF_SIZE];

unsigned long useconds_refresh;

// ADC Device Handle. Already declared.
//static void *g_ADCHandle;

// ADC DMA complete flag.
volatile bool g_bADCDMAComplete;

// ADC DMA error flag.
volatile bool g_bADCDMAError;

// Define the ADC SE0 pin to be used. (A4)
const am_hal_gpio_pincfg_t g_AM_PIN_16_ADCSE0 =
  .uFuncSel = AM_HAL_PIN_16_ADCSE0,

// Define the ADC SE3 pin to be used. (A5)
const am_hal_gpio_pincfg_t g_AM_PIN_31_ADCSE3 =
  .uFuncSel = AM_HAL_PIN_31_ADCSE3,

// Interrupt handler for the ADC.
extern "C" void am_adc_isr() //must use 'extern "C" ' for the Artemis
  uint32_t ui32IntMask;

  // Read the interrupt status.
  if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_interrupt_status(g_ADCHandle, &ui32IntMask, false))
    Serial.println("Error reading ADC interrupt status");

  // Clear the ADC interrupt.
  if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_interrupt_clear(g_ADCHandle, ui32IntMask))
    Serial.println("Error clearing ADC interrupt status");

  // If we got a DMA complete, set the flag.
  if (ui32IntMask & AM_HAL_ADC_INT_DCMP)
    g_bADCDMAComplete = true;

  // If we got a DMA error, set the flag.
  if (ui32IntMask & AM_HAL_ADC_INT_DERR)
    g_bADCDMAError = true;

// Set up the core for sleeping, and then go to sleep.
void sleep()
  // Disable things that can't run in sleep mode.
  //#if (0 == ADC_EXAMPLE_DEBUG)
  // am_bsp_debug_printf_disable();

  // Go to Deep Sleep.

  // Re-enable peripherals for run mode.
  //#if (0 == ADC_EXAMPLE_DEBUG)
  // am_bsp_debug_printf_enable();


// Configure the ADC.
void adc_config_dma()
  am_hal_adc_dma_config_t ADCDMAConfig;

  // Configure the ADC to use DMA for the sample transfer.
  ADCDMAConfig.bDynamicPriority = true;
  ADCDMAConfig.bDMAEnable = true;
  ADCDMAConfig.ui32SampleCount = ADC_SAMPLE_BUF_SIZE;
  ADCDMAConfig.ui32TargetAddress = (uint32_t)g_ui32ADCSampleBuffer;
  if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_configure_dma(g_ADCHandle, &ADCDMAConfig))
    Serial.println("Error - configuring ADC DMA failed.");
  // Reset the ADC DMA flags.
  g_bADCDMAComplete = false;
  g_bADCDMAError = false;


// Configure the ADC.
void adc_config()
  am_hal_adc_config_t ADCConfig;
  am_hal_adc_slot_config_t ADCSlotConfig;

  // Initialize the ADC and get the handle.
  if ( AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_initialize(0, &g_ADCHandle) )
    Serial.println("Error - reservation of the ADC instance failed.");

  // Power on the ADC.
  if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_power_control(g_ADCHandle,
      false) )
    //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - ADC power on failed.\n");
    Serial.println("Error - ADC power on failed.");

  // Set up the ADC configuration parameters. These settings are reasonable
  // for accurate measurements at a low sample rate.
  ADCConfig.eReference = AM_HAL_ADC_REFSEL_INT_2P0;
  ADCConfig.ePowerMode = AM_HAL_ADC_LPMODE0;
  if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_configure(g_ADCHandle, &ADCConfig))
    //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - configuring ADC failed.\n");
    Serial.println("Error - configuring ADC failed.");

  // Set up an ADC slot 0
  ADCSlotConfig.eMeasToAvg = AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_AVG_1;
  ADCSlotConfig.ePrecisionMode = AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_14BIT;
  ADCSlotConfig.eChannel = AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE0; //A4
  ADCSlotConfig.bWindowCompare = false;
  ADCSlotConfig.bEnabled = true;


    // Single-ended channels
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE0, (pad 16, ArtemisRB A4)
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE1, (pad 29, ArtemisRB A0)
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE2, (pad 11, ArtemisRB A1)
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE3, (pad 31, ArtemisRB A5)
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE4, (pad 32, ArtemisRB A8)
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE5, (pad 33, ArtemisRB A3)
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE6, (pad 34, ArtemisRB A2)
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE7, (pad 35, ArtemisRB n/a)
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE8, (pad 13, ArtemisRB A10)
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE9, (pad 12, ArtemisRB A9)
    // Differential channels.
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_DF0, pads 12 (-), pad 13(+)
    AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_DF1, pads 15 (-), pad 14(+) (ArtemisRB n/a)
    // Miscellaneous other signals.

  if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_configure_slot(g_ADCHandle, 0, &ADCSlotConfig))
    //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - configuring ADC Slot 0 failed.\n");
    Serial.println("Error - configuring ADC Slot 0 failed.");

  // Set up an ADC slot 1
  ADCSlotConfig.eMeasToAvg = AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_AVG_1;
  ADCSlotConfig.ePrecisionMode = AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_14BIT;
  ADCSlotConfig.eChannel = AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE3;  //A5
  ADCSlotConfig.bWindowCompare = false;
  ADCSlotConfig.bEnabled = true;
  if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_configure_slot(g_ADCHandle, 1, &ADCSlotConfig))
    Serial.println("Error - configuring ADC Slot 0 failed.");

  // Configure the ADC to use DMA for the sample transfer.
  am_hal_adc_interrupt_enable(g_ADCHandle, AM_HAL_ADC_INT_DERR | AM_HAL_ADC_INT_DCMP );

  // Enable the ADC.
  if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_enable(g_ADCHandle))
    Serial.println("Error - enabling ADC failed.");

// Initialize the ADC repetitive sample timer A3.
void init_timerA3_for_ADC()
  // Start a timer to trigger the ADC periodically 
  am_hal_ctimer_config_single(3, AM_HAL_CTIMER_TIMERA,
                              AM_HAL_CTIMER_HFRC_12MHZ |
                              AM_HAL_CTIMER_FN_REPEAT |


  am_hal_ctimer_period_set(3, AM_HAL_CTIMER_TIMERA, 10, 5); //10 tick period, 5 ticks wide

  // Enable the timer A3 to trigger the ADC directly

  // Start the timer.
  am_hal_ctimer_start(3, AM_HAL_CTIMER_TIMERA);

void setup() {
  while (!Serial) {}
  Serial.println("2 Channel Hi-speed ADC test");
  // Set the clock frequency.
  if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_clkgen_control(AM_HAL_CLKGEN_CONTROL_SYSCLK_MAX, 0))
    Serial.println("Error - configuring the system clock failed.");

  // Set the default cache configuration and enable it.
  if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_cachectrl_config(&am_hal_cachectrl_defaults))
    Serial.println("Error - configuring the system cache failed.");
  if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_cachectrl_enable())
    Serial.println("Error - enabling the system cache failed.");

  // Configure the board for low power operation.

  // Enable only the first 512KB bank of Flash (0). Disable Flash(1)
  if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_pwrctrl_memory_enable(AM_HAL_PWRCTRL_MEM_FLASH_MIN))
    Serial.println("Error - configuring the flash memory failed.");

  // Enable the first 32K of TCM SRAM.
  if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_pwrctrl_memory_enable(AM_HAL_PWRCTRL_MEM_SRAM_32K_DTCM))
    Serial.println("Error - configuring the SRAM failed.");

  // Start the ITM interface.

  // Start the CTIMER A3 for timer-based ADC measurements.

  // Enable interrupts.

  // Set a pin to act as our ADC input
  am_hal_gpio_pinconfig(16, g_AM_PIN_16_ADCSE0); //artemis pad 16 is A4
   am_hal_gpio_pinconfig(31, g_AM_PIN_31_ADCSE3); //artemis pad 31 is A5

  // Configure the ADC

  // Trigger the ADC sampling for the first time manually.
  if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_sw_trigger(g_ADCHandle))
    Serial.println("Error - triggering the ADC failed.");

  // Print the banner.
  Serial.println("ADC Example with 1.2Msps and LPMODE=0");

  // Allow time for all printing to finish.


void loop() {
  // Go to Deep Sleep.
  useconds_refresh = micros();
  if (!g_bADCDMAComplete)

  // Check for DMA errors.
  if (g_bADCDMAError)
    //am_util_stdio_printf("DMA Error occured\n");
    Serial.println("DMA Error occured");
    while (1);

  // Check if the ADC DMA completion interrupt occurred.
  if (g_bADCDMAComplete)
    bool toggle = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < ADC_SAMPLE_BUF_SIZE; i++) {
      //14 bit is 0-16383 on a range of 0-2V
      uint32_t result = g_ui32ADCSampleBuffer[i];
      uint32_t mask = 0xFFFC0;  // all ones for bits 6-19, other bits zeroed
      //Shift result depending on resolution, averaging
      result = result & mask; //get bits 6-19 data only
      result = result >> (6); //remove the fractional values

      // Serial.println(result);
      if (!toggle){
      Serial.print(result * (2.0 / 16383.0), 3);
        Serial.println(result * (2.0 / 16383.0), 3);
      toggle = !toggle;
    while (1) {}  // stop to view data

    // Reset the DMA completion and error flags.
    g_bADCDMAComplete = false;

    // Re-configure the ADC DMA.

    // Clear the ADC interrupts.
    if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_interrupt_clear(g_ADCHandle, 0xFFFFFFFF))
      //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - clearing the ADC interrupts failed.\n");
      Serial.println("Error - clearing the ADC interrupts failed.");

    // Trigger the ADC sampling for the first time manually.
    if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_sw_trigger(g_ADCHandle))
      //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - triggering the ADC failed.\n");
      Serial.println("Error - triggering the ADC failed.");

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By dlp
I noticed that this example no longer works. It gets to the line about enabling the first 32k of SRAM and hangs.
No errors are given.

So change this line:
Code: Select all

  // Enable the first 32K of TCM SRAM.
  if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_pwrctrl_memory_enable(AM_HAL_PWRCTRL_MEM_SRAM_32K_DTCM))
    Serial.println("Error - configuring the SRAM failed.");

To this and it works again:
Code: Select all
    // Enable the first 128K of SRAM.

    if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_pwrctrl_memory_enable(AM_HAL_PWRCTRL_MEM_SRAM_128K))
        //am_util_stdio_printf("Error - configuring the SRAM failed.\n");
        Serial.println("Error - configuring the SRAM failed.");
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By Mrest03
Hi dlp,

I have been making my way through your example code posted above on my Artemis Nano (with the most recent correction you noted in your second comment), however for some reason I am getting a Mbed OS Hard fault. I have traced it back to the function call am_bsp_low_power_init() in the code that initiates/sets the system into low power mode that seems to be causing the issue. Any ideas of suggestions as to why this might be causing the crash?

Thanks in advance!
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