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By leo357leo
I am using a Inex sound dectector board (RB-Inx-33), and am getting analog readings. I want to convert these readings to decibels. The sound dector is connected to an Arduino duemilanove. Any ideas?
By esklar81
Not only will calibration to pressure be a challenge, there is no simple mapping between sound pressure and what is commonly reported as "decibels". Sound level readings for such purposes as hearing protection are based on weighted integrations of the pressure levels at different frequencies. There are three different weighting curves (A, B and C) in common use, each for a defined set of conditions.
By leo357leo
Eric, I wanted to give you my final program from my buzzer project. It took me awhile to get my radiofrequency going. The RF receiver I got is either on or off. Because of this I made the interrupt "falling". The reason for this was that The interrupt pin when is "off" still raphasardly goes "on". However, when the pin is "on" it stays "on". I also put a short buzz in the interrupt when the interrupt triggers properly.
I tried the project on a real golf swing and it works nicely. When I showed it to m golf pro he recommended that the buzz should not buzz if you make a good swing. In its present format the buzz will trigger at the end of the swing because you naturally move away from the IR sensor at the end of the swing.
This the reason for my interest in sound. I want the program to "while" when it hears the sound of the golf ball being hit. The db of a ball being hit is 80 to 100 . I am getting analog readings; I quess I'm going to to gather data of the range of analog readings while hitting a ball then "while" the program when these analog readings are reached.
I want to again thank you for all your help, I would have completed the buzzer program without your help.