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By potoole
SparkFun OpenLog(DEV-09530) is defined as "simple to use".
sku: DEV-09530
Description: OpenLog is an open source data logger. Simple to use, simple to change. We wanted to create a serial logger that just worked. Power this device up and it will start logging any received serial data at 9600bps.
OpenLog is a simple serial logger based on the ATmega328 running at 16MHz. The ATmega328 should be able to talk to high capacity (larger than 2GB) SD cards. The whole purpose of this logger was to create a logger that just powered up and worked. OpenLog ships with a standard serial bootloader so you can load new firmware with a simple serial connection.

The Basics
•OpenLog runs at 3.3-5V at 9600bps by default. This is configurable to 2400, 9600, 57600, and 115200bps. We recommend you attach a serial connection to reconfigure the unit to work at a different serial speed, but you should be able to do it in software.
•During power up, you will see 12> or 12<. 1 indicates the serial connection is established. 2 indicates the SD card has been successfully initialized.
The easiest way to get OpenLog working is with a serial connection to a computer. Power up OpenLog and you should see ‘12<’. If you don’t, make sure your TXO and RXI pins are connected correctly. TXO is an output pin from OpenLog and will need to be connected to a input pin on your serial conversion board
Where will 12> or 12<. be seen?
How do I compile OpenLog?
OpenLog is compiled with WinAVR but should be compatible with any platform that support the ATmega328. I will assume you are using WinAVR.
(Then a picture of a DOS page is shown with commands, etc, which is totally confusing to me.)
No, I'm trying to get it to work with Arduino, since OpenLog has been made to connect directly with Arduino pro, and Arduino pro-mini.

The Datasheet, put out by GitHub(whoever they are), is full of vagaries and is written with assumptions that users already know a whole lotta other suff before attempting to use OpenLog.

For nitwits like me who DON'T already know a whole lotta other stuff, what is needed is a tutorial that goes from A to Z, which starts at the beginning and explains some of that "lotta other stuff", rather than assuming users already know what goes from A to J, then starts out with K and goes S.
  • A)Here's what software will be needed
    B)Here's how its hooked up.
    C)Here's how to prepare or set up your old computer.
    D - J)Lotta other stuff that the uninitiated will need to know

Just start from the beginning.
Thank you
By sjyng78
By potoole
It certainly is a tricky little device to get into operation.
After questions, questions and more questions to various forums and to Sparkfun tech support, I think I got it to log data while connected to an Arduino-pro with a properly downloaded sketch, -- sometimes

It takes a little slight of hand in the way the device is connected to the arduino. It has to be conneted to the arduino in a yet-to-be-defined sequence of steps in order for the OpenLog to start up and actually collect and save data.

Problem is, you won't know if it collected data until you connect the SD card to a computer to see if anything was saved on the card. :roll: :?
By eapetitfils
I got the same problem. Sometimes it logs everything fine, sometimes, I just got an empty file, sometimes a file with spaces instead of the ASCII charcaters threw in the serial port, and sometimes the file is not even created, though the number is incremented in the EEPROM. This is a bit annoying not to know exactly how to handle that.
I am using a rabbit 4100 to connect to this data logger passing by a Maxim chip to transfer into a CMOS/TTL level (yeah, shame on me but I don't have anything else right now). I checked that the ASCII string received on the openlog side was correct and the fact that sometimes everything goes fine should prove that the code is not to blame, at least for the transfer link.
Have you found how to setup the openlog to be sure that something is logged? I was able to enter the command mode but none of my commands (the very ones from the wiki) was successfully interpreted.
By potoole
eapetitfils wrote:Hi,
I got the same problem. Sometimes it logs everything fine, sometimes, I just got an empty file, sometimes a file with spaces instead of the ASCII charcaters threw in the serial port, and sometimes the file is not even created, though the number is incremented in the EEPROM. This is a bit annoying not to know exactly how to handle that.
I am using a rabbit 4100 to connect to this data logger passing by a Maxim chip to transfer into a CMOS/TTL level (yeah, shame on me but I don't have anything else right now). I checked that the ASCII string received on the openlog side was correct and the fact that sometimes everything goes fine should prove that the code is not to blame, at least for the transfer link.
Have you found how to setup the openlog to be sure that something is logged? I was able to enter the command mode but none of my commands (the very ones from the wiki) was successfully interpreted.
I don't know what a rabbit 4100 is. I've used an arduino pro, but I've also found that an RBBB (REALLY BARE BONES BOARD) from Modern Device ( works just as well, since they both have the same serial pins portruding outward.

I had worse problems with the OpenLog when I tried to change the baud rate; I lost everything, and had to go through the process of reloading OpenLog software. It wasn't a quick and easy process, but that is a long story.

I use an arduino program which takes in pulse data as interrupt data, counts the pulses as pulses per second, then sends the data to OpenLog by 'Serial.print' commands. With OpenLog connected to an arduino serial pins, the arduino sketch is verified then uploaded to arduino board. OpenLog LEDs will blink and wink, in some sequence, eventually settle down to just one LED blinking at the rate data is taken in. On my setup it is one quick blink per second. Sometimes both LEDs blink, but at the wrong rate. Sometimes you need to wait a few seconds for OpenLog to start getting data, then only one LED will blink at the proper rate. If that doesn't happen, try pushing arduino's reset button once or twice, then watch for that one LED blnking routine.

I don't know, the operation of those LEDs is a little confusing, but that seems to be working for me. Or has been, anyway. :roll:
By potoole
By the way, eapetitfils, if I ever want to work with OpenLog's 'command modes' , I use 'Hyperterminal Private edition', which I had to download to my PC. I connect OpenLog directly to a PC USB port by the use of a FTDI Serial to USB converter, very similar to Sparkfun's FTDI Basic Breakout - 5V( ... ts_id=9115)
The only times I use OpenLog in that mode is just to test the device, to see if its working. Other than that, I have no need to change any command modes. OpenLog opens a new file each time its fired up, then should accept data from whatever source its connected to, such as an arduino board.

By eapetitfils
Ok, thanks for the answer.
The Rabbit 4100 is this. It's not that a bad microcontroller but an Arduino is a bit better, and as the software for the Rabbit, Dynamic C is really bad, the Rabbit was not the best choice for our project.
So eventually we decided not the use a data logger because of the lack of time. I haven't found a good way to get the Openlog working correctly with the Rabbit but I must admit that I have some doubt about the serial driver of the Rabbit as I have some difficulty with reading a GPS through the serial port and previous people who used the Rabbit had the same issue.
If you want to have a look at what we are doing (an atmospheric balloon), we have a blog here:
Thank you.